Kick His Fucking Ass!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tuesday, January 31
Yet another police beating happened in St. Louis yesterday. And of course the NAACP is calling foul on it. When these types of incidents arises, it's usually caught on camera. I'm not a big fan of the media these days because they sensationalize everything. You get one guys (the rotten reporter) view to a situation that has multiple aspects. That's because news stories are big money, and when money is involved, you don't get the whole story.
The NAACP doesn't see that the alleged victim is a scumbag. A career criminal with a history of violence against women and children. Does that change your view of this piece of shit. The NAACP only sees whitey smacking the black dude. They don't see the possible dangerous aspect put on the public by this punk speeding away. Maybe the guy almost killed somebody in his flight from the law. Maybe the criminal had a weapon and would not reliquish it. Only the officers subdueing the dirt bag knows.
I don't like groups like the NAACP. They are racist shrouded by a name and image. I don't like groups period. Because they have agendas. Other groups are NOW, AIM, PETA, and so on and on. They serve no purpose but thier own.
Moving on... Who here thinks Cindy Sheehan is a fucking shitbag? I see my hand raised. This person was seen on the news hugging a known enemy to the United States and it's people. Ship that bitch to Venezuela and see how she like living there if she hates America so bad. She is a slap to the face of every veteran that has served in a hot zone and those who have died serving thier nation. Treason used to have meaning in this country and they used to do something about it.
I sound a little angry today don't I? Well with all the shit that is happening in the world you have to vent every so often. Next post won't be so angry.
Well There Goes My Neighborhood...
Monday, January 30
It seems as if scientists in England have come up with the idea that alcohol consumption can lead to certain types of cancer. Okay.... tell us something we don't know. We know alcohol leads to bad decision making, unwanted pregnancy, cure to little man syndrome, and whiskey dick. What's one more thing.
The whole thing with listening to experts is kinda....stupid. They tell you that eggs are bad for you, trans fat is bad for you, sunshine is bad for you, television is bad for you, country music is bad for you. When are these fucking "know it alls" going to realize that we don't give a shit and that they should keep thier little thoeries to themselves.
Next they will instruct us to install methane gas detectors in our pants because methane is depleting something. The experts tell us that flying is the safest method of travel.... Have you heard of anybody dying in a pilot error walking accident? No. So in essence, walking can be described as a very safe form of travel.
So, drink your stout beer and margaritas people... because when you are drunk, you could give a fuck about cancer.
Wow.... It's Been Exciting!!!!!!!!!
Saturday, January 28
Again I'm on ambulance call tonight and have had one call. I didn't do ant treating, I was the ambulance driver, less responsibility that way and with the day at work today, I felt no need to be caregiver tonight.
The call was an OB call. OB is my least favorite type of call. The potential to deliver another human into the world doesn't scare me but then I don't need that hanging on my head if a potential disaster were to take place. Better for everybody. And I'm sure you wouldn't want your child looking at my ugly ass for the first human gaze of your life.
Being on call tonight meant I missed out on a poker game with everybody. If I had known ahead of time I would have passed on the caregiving tonight, even though I'm not care giving anyways. I need the extra cashola anyways. I probably would have made more playing poker tonight. But a semi quiet time at home is nice.
The daughter is having friends over for movies tonight so they get the living room while I lay in bed watching tv.
I heard a song today that caught my ear and I can't get enough of. Colors by Crossfade.... check it out!!!!!!!!!!! Later...
Can You Give Me A Hand Here...
Friday, January 27
Call me old fashion but people still return favors in this day and age. I always hear stories from my mother of the way things "used to be." Do we live in an age similar to the way things used to be? Maybe maybe not. But when I do somebody a favor, I think I deserve something in return. It doesn't have to be much.
I think I pissed a co-worker off by not helping her with the up coming work schedule. I didn't want to NOT help her out but am resigned to doing so. I asked for a favor in return but she was unable because of a study day. So in turn asked that my schedule be returned to the way it was before. I think that is fair, don't you? If I would have said ...well, okay. I would have been walked on and I don't like being walked on. I have helped alot of people with thier schedule and have yet to get help from any of them.
We have way too many people going to school for a set schedule at work. So we have to riggamarow things around so everybody can get the time they are supposed to work. I thought long and hard about my decision to have things go back to the way they were. She happened to not want to help me at the wrong time. I am fed up with it.
Anyways, I hope this doesn't effect things at work between her and I. But believe it will. Oh well. I have worked at this job for 4 years and am pretty happy with it. I have a great relationship with the powers that be and do my job to the best of my ability. I guess I'll find out in the morning the effect of my decision. Until then....
The Things We Get/Don't Get Into............
We all have certain interests. Whether it be NASCAR, Football, Motorcycles.... We choose different things to keep us occupied and enjoy them. Somethings people do that I just can't get into. There is no appeal or interest.
People do some weird shit that would make me puke. I'm not into scat or do I watch it. How can any sensible person have somebody shit on them? The smell...Oh My God. Where I work, that smell is prevalent and nobody enjoys it. We try our damnedest to coat it in a potpourii scent so we don't have to smell it. How does a person seek somebody out to participate in that type of thing? "Hey Jane?? How 'bout you come over for dinner tonight. I'm having Mexican. Maybe after dinner you can shit on my chest. Really, it'll be fun."
Fisting is another thing that I just don't get. Sticking your hand up to your wrist up your own ass. Hmmm.
Remember when porn was just about a guy, a girl and bad dialog? People say things evolve and get more interesting. Wow!! Now add a horse to the mix and voila!! People are fucking strange. Well, I thought I'd ask for others input because I just don't get it....
Is An Education Really Worth It????
Thursday, January 26
Years ago, I worked for a company which made "Trusses" for home construction. Most people call them "Rafters" but "Truss" is the official name for them. Most of the guys who worked there I had known around Sturgis for awhile, some I'd never met before. But the general consensus was that the majority of guys who worked there, excluding myself, were pure morons. Nice guys but morons.
Do you judge a person based on intelligence? Most people do and they lose out on some pretty interesting stuff. Mainly the humor factor. Some of these guys would do some dumb shit but it was very funny. They weren't trying to be funny but being a moron you just don't know and that is why us non-moronic types are always on the look out for a moron to make us laugh, usually based on the fact that they most always hurt themselves in the process.
Point in general, to make trusses you have to cut wood. With the cutting of wood you have waste. Pieces of wood too small to do anything with. Waste wood ended up being transfered to the city landfill or dump. While dumping the waste, the guys would drag back shit other people had thrown out. On this particular day, they brought back a bowling ball. Anything that resembeled a ball would be brought back to the warehouse to be played with by said morons. After getting bored with the bowling ball, somebody rolled it into the yard where the lumber was stacked. One of the guys went to get a couple of 2X4's that his crew was short on. I worked on the saw as a catcher to the wood the sawyer ran through the saw. A number of us were standing in the overhead doorway looking outside. We noticed Arlen with a shoulder stacked with 4 2X4's. Arlen looked at the bowling ball (which was black) and stopped. He laid the wood he was carrying on the ground and motioned like he was going to kick the bowling ball. We kinda said to ourselved "yeah... okay." Arlen then took a couple steps backward, I said " No way will he kick it..." Arlen had a four step start to kick this bowling ball, put everything he had into it and kicked it. Everybody shouted "Holy Fuck!!! and we nearly pissed ourselves laughing. Ya see... Arlen thought the black ball was a rubber basketball bladder.
This was nearly an everyday occurance. There was a dude named Willy. Willy looked like a skinhead but would have had trouble kicking the ass of a 4 years old. Willy was the one who received the most shit from everybody. I remember the time that he went into the tool room to get something. The tool room was locked from the outside with a paddlelock. Willy went in, they shut the door behind him and killed the lights. We stood around listening to Willy kick at the door begging to be let out. After a while, somebody noticed that Willy wasn't kicking anymore. They unlocked the door to see Willy laying on the floor. Above the door is where the air nailer was kept. The air nailer weighs abotu 13 lbs. Willy kicked the door enough to jar the air nailer enough to come down on top of his head. Of course, that was a laughable moment again.
Working at that truss plant was good money at the time, you could get away with murder most of the time. but most of the guys there were morons. Nice guys but morons.
Hey... He Don't Look Like Jeezuz
Tuesday, January 24
Now most older people who happen to be into Christianity like an Elvis fan back in the day will appreciate this one. The good ol Kanye "Bush hates black people" West, posed as Jesus Christ for a Rolling Stone issue coming out later. I'm sure some Bible bangin' cracker is going to shit all over the place when that issue hits the stands.
Good 'ol Bible belt Christians tend to frown upon a black man imitating thier fair skined, light haired savior. Did he do it for the love of the Christ or... for shear vanity??? Who the fuck knows but he did it. Imitating the Son of God would feel sacreligious to most. But leave it to somebody in the music industry to keep that home fire burning.
Ol' Kanye reminds me of a poster I saw when I was young. Most people who know me don't know that my father had a first cousin named Eddie Little Sky, we called him Edsel. Edsel was an actor in the sixties and seventies. He had bit parts in Gilligan's Island, also in a couple of motion pictures. He gave my father a poster when I was young. Remembering it, it was pretty cool... it was a picture of him with a full head dress and Indian garb, hanging on the cross like Jesus. It didn't mean much to me then, but I remember my Dad unrolling it from the cardboard tube, opening it up and saying "For Christ's sakes" and my mom's mother saying "No Shit, John". And off to play I went...
I have another cousin, James Ecoffey, who was an actor back in the early 80's. we called him Cricket. He had a small part in the mini series "Centennial" and the movie with Charlton Heston call "Mountain Men". I haven't seen Cricket since before my Dad died in '91. The last time I saw Edsel was at my Dad funeral. Edsel died in "97. Funny how you lose touch like that. Cricket would visit my dad every year with my grand aunt. Hmm gets you thinking...
Well, again I'm off...
A Driving Instruction Lecture
This evening I had a training at the Fire Hall. EVOC training. EVOC stands for "Emergency Vehicle Operators Course. It's a course on safety and common sense when driving large emergency vehicles. The power point is much to be desired but the President of our Emergency Medical Services Association puts on the course, Danny Hayes. Dan tells a great story too. He's been in EMS for a very long time and has seen his fair share of shit. It's always nice when he lectures. Dan is also fun to drink with. While in Las Vegas at the National EMS Conference, a couple years back, Phillips put on a inpromtu show for thier brand new Defibrillator at the Belagio. I had the pleasure of drinking with Dan. Ya see, Phillips, the company makes everything electronic, had an open bar from 6pm until 10pm. So Danny got wasted!!! It was great.
Tonight he talked about personnel who drive thier own vehicles to fires and ambulance calls at the speed of light. Speaking of that, while I was taking the Structure Fire Class acouple of years ago, one of the many instructors told the story of a member of his Fire Department who was stopped while heading for the fire department for a call. The Highway Patrol clocked him going 129 miles an hour in a 45 mph zone. He ended up going to jail. Dumb bastard!!
Well folks I'm gonna jet... see ya,
I Got Tagged... Oh No!!!!!!!!!!!!
Monday, January 23
Anyways... I got tagged by Spacesilver from across the great pond called Atlantic. That sounds so wrong... Here we go
Four Jobs You've Had In Your Life: 1. In Shipping for a video movie distributor 2. Sawyer for a truss maker 3. Service Technician for Pepsi Cola 4. Emergency Department Technician in an Emergency Department.Four movies you could watch over and over: 1. Close Encounters of the Third Kind 2. The Hunt For Red October 3. Sneakers 4. Red Planet (Alright, I know what yer thinking... NERD!!)
Four places you’ve lived: 1. Groton, Connecticut 2. Suisun City, California 3. Denver, Colorado 4. Sturgis, South DakotaFour TV shows you love to watch: 1. Mythbusters 2. Seinfeld 3. Star Trek: TNG 4. Anything on the History ChannelFour blogs you visit daily: 1. Southern Bird's 2. Julio's World 3. Super Secret Diary of an Earthling 4. The Sh*t MagnetFour favorite foods: 1. Pizza 2. Prime Rib 3. Meatloaf 4. Fast food..... Any...Four albums you can’t live without: 1. Rush- Signals 2. Matthew Moon - I Thought U Should Know 3. Anything by R.E.M. 4. Hoodoo Gurus - Stone Age Romeo'sFour vehicles you’ve owned: 1. 1982 Chevy Citation (what a piece of shit... But it got me around) 2. 1989 Volkswagen Vanagon 3. 1997 Dodge Stratus 4. 2001 Nissan XterraFour minus one beautiful people to be tagged: 1. Julie 2. Jenny 3. Marnie
A Sunday Filled With Phlem...
Sunday, January 22
I must have the worst working immune system on the planet. Meaning, it gets tired of doing it's job halfway through the job. Must be the Native genes corrupting the others. I'm not a good sick person either.
Well, I watched Denver get thier asses handed to them by Pittsburgh. I have always said that, Jake "the Mistake" Plummer just doesn't have what it takes to be a champion. Choke!!!! All those years playing for Arizona must stay in the back of his hippie head. I quit watching in the 3rd Quarter and watched "Star Trek - First Contact" on Sci-Fi.
Even though it's 9 months away, The EMS Magazine convention in Vegas, I have been looking at hotel and flight information. I found one on Travelocity for $490.00. That's 4 nights and roundtrip flight. Not bad at all. If I were to stay at the Hilton right next to the Convention Center it would be $2000... Too rich for this bastard.
I'm on ambulance call starting at midnight tonight. Yaaaay.. That's what I get for trying to schedule things in advanced. Dumb ass, not to mention I'm hacking up gunk (Not the gunk you like Julie) Egad...
I don't work until 5 pm Monday... again, yaaaay.
I took Kahlyn to the Freestyle Motorcycle deal at the Civic Center in Rapid City on Friday night. Was it worth the money I paid... Of course it was, because it was time spent with my lovely daughter. She enjoyed herself so it was worth it. I saw a friend of mine there, Mark and a few others.
Tonight, I help fix a flat tire on my ex-sister in laws car. She got a flat on the interstate at night.
Well, I'm going to put my clothes in the dryer and go to bed.....
Man... They Are The Coolest!!!!!
Saturday, January 21
I love one show and one show only.... Mythbusters. The ultimate job.. you get to destroy things. How fuckin' fun would that be? I watch it when ever I can!!
I wouldn't have believed it if somebody told me. They did a experiment involving a bullet being shot into water and how far underneath the water would you have to swim to not get hit. They used several guns. A .22 caliber, I think a .308, a shotgun and a .50 caliber. If you were fired at by a person at an angle of 20 to 30% degrees, your depth, with all guns, would have to be only 36 inches. Yep... 36 inches. I was astonished. Anyways... back to the TV I go in my infinite sickness...
That's Just The Way It Is...
The title is from a song by Bruce Hornsby. You remember Bruce Hornsby. I loved that song. If you have ever listened to the lyrics to that song, it's about the constitutional amendment allowing minorities to vote in 1964 and how the law really didn't change anything. I'm not a bitter minority by any right. I'm not on the side of the native people who believe that we need the Black Hills back to make up for anything. This is the modern age and you reap what you sow. You live your life by how YOU make it, not by anybody else or what type of handout you think you are entited to.
Take me for instance. I have very few Native friends. None of my closest friends are Native. I hope that my friends see me as a person and not "the Indian friend". I've known these people long enough to know they would never think that. In my immediate family, My brothers and sister are first generation, non- reservation Skins. We don't talk with the accent of a rez Indian ( I know white guys who imitate that better than I do)
As for discrimination.. Only a couple of times in my life did I think that I was treated unfairly because of the color of my hide and most likely, as every one knows me, I was looking to deep into the question.
My father was born and bred in Red Lake, Minnesota, He was an Ojibwa/Chippewa and my mother was half Northern Cheyenne. Others races in my genetic cake mix are to many to list. I don't ponder on the fact of Red or White. People who know me know that I work hard and treat others with respect.
I'm leading to this topic because (again) of a movie I just watched about an aboriginal in Winnipeg, Canada who was shot by a RCMP officer. The inquiry into the shooting was a fiasco and very shoddy. In the events preceding the shooting, it looks as if the authorities were trying to cover up a major fuck up by law enforcement. This happens in the United States also. What got me were the statictics at the conclusion of the movie. 75% of the people in Canadian prisons are Aboriginal and they make up for only 15% of the population. Now before anybody comes unwound, this movie was produced by the Aboriginal Peoples Television Network. Obviously, a view of one side. Bias story telling is a hard thing to come by anymore. I'm sure there is two sides to every story. I am assuming that Canada is a fair place to live for everybody. No different than than the way things are told in my neck of the wood by any Native media. Look at the plight (sic) of the blacks in this country after the hurricane in New Orleans. Was there really a plight or was it the way the media wanted you to see it? A little of both I say.
After finding other media sources about the killing of J.J. Harper. Yes, the police fucked up and tried to cover it up. Should we look at it in the small context that all of Canada is like they played out in this movie? No. In the same context, the United States looks like barbarians throughout history, if you look at the way they have treated the native people here.
Another Day In The Life...
Friday, January 20
Friday... I woke up late today. For about two weeks, I haven't felt good. As you all know, I was sick a couple of weeks ago. That slowly got better and now it's making an encore... this time with the runny nose and the funny sounding radio voice you get with a cold. Nose spray and Motrin are my bestest friend right now.
Work last night was ... not bad. I worked with Kris in triage. The way the night ends up really depends on who you work with in the box. The highlight of the evening came when the "Lovenox Lady", The nice Rx Representitive, brought a large tin full of KFC Chicken by the window. She did a demo for a drug in ICU and had leftovers. Ya see, That leftover shit doesn't happen in the E.R. We are like the last scavenger at a kill when it come to free food. I remember a Rx Rep brought by a gigantic turkey tin full of chicken strips by awhile ago... We tore it up. Usually there is nothing left for the evening crew if the food is brought by during the day and vice versa.
Well... off for some more Motrin and nasal spray...
A Toy For Everything..
Tonight at work, Jory was the head honcho. It was busy but not too busy. Just before i left tonight I commented at an action figure that Jory might be interested in. That's right folks....

It's the Male Nurse Action Figure. If the hair was lighter and the scrubs were blue... BINGO... Instant Jory. But I don't remember Jory having those large rivots in his arms. Well there you go sunshine... Your own doll.
Thursday, January 19
Pepperoni Pizza |
 Robust and dominant. When you go for something, you go full force. You tend to take control of situations easily. And in return, you get a ton of respect. |
The People Who Lead Us...
Life in America is kinda strange if you look at it in it's context. The news is always looking at unemployment rates, GNP, The Dow and the dance of the Stock Market.
The people we elect to represent us in our never ending quest for recognition for fair balanced government have been not so fair and balanced. As I have said before and will say again, politicians are a cancer on American society. We elect the only candidates we can because the one that could make a difference... don't have the funds to get elected. This country has been run by the 1% for so long that we can't tell the difference anymore. Take Clinton for instance, The man shoots his load on an intern and the people weren't outraged. Some were but most didn't care. Now if it had been your husband or wife, I'm sure you would have been pissed.
Ethics... it is a word that has left our society when it comes to politics. This word hasn't been used since Eisenhower administration in the late 50's. The downfall of ethics in American government started with the Kennedy's and hasn't gotten any better. I blame this on big business, PAC's and special interest. America isn't about the individual anymore but about the corporation. The more money that a corporation can throw your way... the easier it is for swarmy politicans to take control of high offices and then the individual loses.
Sleeping Hard...
Wednesday, January 18
I'm a very hard sleeper. I could sleep through a tornado and not wake.
At our Fire Department.. we received new pagers. These are nice pagers but I'm gonna need 6 of them to wake me up. I'm on call tomorrow from 0830 to 1500. I hope I can hear the damn thing. The pagers we had before were a tone type. Your departments tone would blare out of a speaker in the front of the pager and the dispatchers voice would stream the message. Let's see if I can hear it...
Metropolitan Light...
Tuesday, January 17
I live in a small town 18 miles away from the 2nd largest town in South Dakota. This second largest town is home to about 60,000 residence, Which is aout 9% of the total population in the state. Rapid City, if you look at it on the grand scale, is basically a very large truck stop along the longest interstate in the United States. There is really not an art district. People do not support the museum here. They have tried holding onto semi pro sports teams but support runs out.
They call Rapid City here The Star of the West. I disagree. Denver lights up the sky a hell of a lot more than Rapid City. Rapid City's crime rate is below the national average. The Police Department says they have the same problems with gang activity here as they do in Denver. I say..... Bull shit.... I've lived in Denver and I've seen that first hand where I lived. Capital Hill at Tenth and Pearl St. The apartment we lived in was called the Pearl 9's. North Rapid has nothing on Capital Hill.
It's funny how people who live here compare things to Denver. One thing... Denver is at least ten times bigger and has the population of this entire state. Billings, Montana is way bigger. People around here want you to believe it's a metro. The closest town's are Black Hawk and Box Elder.
But... I enjoy living around here for the fact that it's just big enough to have some things without the worry of crime and stuff. Oh well... see ya soon
Monday, January 16
While driving down Main St. in Rapid City last week. I passed a business I thought was kinda weird. So I drove around the block and took a picture of the name of the business.
A New View...
Sunday, January 15
Now I have always kept an open mind about a lot of stuff. From Left to Right, Minority or Majority, Liberal and conservative and everything in between. Yes there are some organizations that do things that make you clench your jaw shut and you bitch and moan about their agenda. I will probably be banished from everybody's blogs if I mention the one's that I have distain for.
If you haven't heard the story. A man lived with wild Grizzly Bears in Alaska for 13 years. He considered them friends and believed he was at one with this creature. He would walk up to them, talk to them and truly believed that by his presents around them, he was protecting them from the evil human.
This man's name was Tim Treadwell. And I saw the documentary about him Saturday night. His main objective was to keep the habitat of the grizzly safe from humans. In my personal opinion, this man was truly, certifiable insane. Watching the documentary at first, I thought it was a story about a man's experience with the wild bears and he was doing legitimate studying. But after watching the movie, I saw a disturbed man with a troubled past.
He claimed to be working with an organization called Grizzly People. He had cute little names for all the bears he would encounter, all the while videotaping his experience. He was a kook. He constantly would say he would die for the animals he was around. Well... he got his wish. In Oct. 2003, a bear attacked and killed Treadwell and his girlfriend. A bush pilot who supplied Treadwell discovered the remains of Treadwell and his companion. Park officials shot and killed the bear in the attack. Gutting the bear, they found most of his and girlfriends remains.
I understand that there are a lot of organizations out there that do good and the people involved aren't nutjobs like the ones portrayed in this documentary. This movie made
all enviro's to look like .... dumb asses, which Treadwell was one of them. It changed the way I see these people. And yes, their true colors come out in this documentary.
Mr. Treadwell, in my opinion, did more harm to these bears than good. Reason being, the group of bears he hung around now are accustomed to humans. Nature is nature for a reason. Bears don't make friends and pseudo hippies activists are dumber than hell.
I recommend that you rent this documentary and watch it. Come up with your own opinion. Because I have changed mind about these people. Because a 45 year old ex-drug addict idiot still tastes good to a hungry bear.
Friday the 13th and All Is Well
Friday, January 13
Well the sky has not fallen on me today. 10 pm and nothing.
Smell of Hammer and Sickle II
Okay, Jeop was the only one that gave a comment. Thank you ma'am.
My point...
I read a story yesterday about a company in Michigan that is randomly testing employees for nicotine use... That's right tobacco users. If they are found to have tested hot, they are fired. The company president said the program promotes a healthy lifestyle and to keep healthcare coverages down. The last two statements are what got me going.
Healthy Lifestyle. By who's definition? In my little scenario, the lady was actively exercising and keeping a healthy lifestyle. I was going to use a different scenario but was having a hard time coming up with a story line to cover what I was trying to conveigh. I tried using a Rock Climber but again was trying hard to figure out how to work that into my story.
What I was trying to tell you was that... There is no difference between a tobacco users lifestyle and a person that is active in dangerous activity. I used Rock Climbing because it's adherently dangerous. The rock climber could have fallen creating a mess for the individuals health care plan. Costs go up because of the injury's occured during the accident. Smokers health declines more slowly over years, and a thrillseeker who engages in dangerous activity injuries happen now and are more extensive. But the smoker/tobacco user has to pay more for insurance than the person who does dangerous activities.... Why? The outcome is the same for both.
I'm not saying smokers should not quit... they should. Smoking is a disgusting habit that is, obviously, being phased out by local ordinances. But my point being why doesn't a person not have to claim they engage in dangerous activities?
America, I believe, still has a Bill of Rights correct? The constitution mentions nothing about smokers and tobacco users being exempt from the law of the land. 20 US states allow companies to fire individuals for tobacco use. What would happen if these companies fired people who enjoyed hiking in National Parks because of the risk of a hiker getting mauled by a wild animal? What about alcohol use???
Since the government is allowing companies to trouce on people's right to choose what to do outside the job. What will be next?? No candy or sugar based products because of the risk of Diabetes, No hamburgers or steak because of the risk of heart disease. No outside tanning because of the risk of cancer.
This is a Double Standard in my opinion. The motto of the United States.. Under God the People Rule. No where in that statement did I see corporation.
Anyways.... Have a nice night...
The Smell of the Hammer and Sickle...
Thursday, January 12
Let's do a scenario here. Okay.. During your unpaid lunch break, you decide you are going to exercise by briskly walking the stairs in your building. You start at the bottom floor and walk up and down the stairs for 20 minutes. 15 minutes into your stair climb adventure, you twist your ankle falling down 6 stairs into another employee walking up and the both of you tumble down to the landing 8 feet below. Both of you are bleeding. You feel a sharp pain in your ankle and wrist. You are bleeding from the head. The other person lies unconscious from cracking her head on the concrete floor of the landing.
After X-rays, it shows you fractured your tibia and fibula in your right lower leg just above the ankle. You also have fractured the radius and ulna in your distal right arm just above the wrist. Both fractures are going to require surgery to repair. You are sutured for the 2 lacerations on your forehead and get 5 staples to your scalp to close the gaping laceration on top of your head. The doctor tells you that you received a concussion but wants you to consult a neurologist just to make sure. Also an orthopedic surgeon was consulted about the broken bones. You are admitted until your surgery in the a.m. the next day.
Your insurance company does the standard inquiry into the accident and finds that you were using a concrete fire escape stairs for exercise. They thoroughly investigate contacting physical therapists and such to ask if walking on concrete fire escape steps is safe for exercising. 4 our of 5 of the experts say yes you can exercise in that manner. But one says it isn't safe because of the concrete and the fact that the stairs were probably designed for egress only. Your insurance company sides with the expert and denies your claim. Plus, your employer fires you because you didn't get approval to use the fire escape stairs for exercising, you were not on the timeclock when you fell. You argued that since you were on the company property, they are liable. The other lady you bashed into midfall breaks her back and is unable to return to work. She is confined to a wheelchair the rest of her natural life. She sues the company and your insurance company and wins big time.
The company writes a policy that there will be no exercising on company property anybody caught walking the stairs instead of using the elevators will be disciplined and repeat offenders will be terminated.
Was it fair for her company to fire her? Was it fair that the company discipline workers walking up and down the stairs when there are operative elevators that will take you from floor to floor.
Ya know what my answer is???? Of course you do. Ya goddamn right the company was fair in firing her. Tomorrow I'll get into specifics on my answer. But for now... How would you have handled this situation... I want everybody's opinion on this one!!!
What Is The Date Tomorrow???
Well anybody that can read knows that is Friday the Thirteenth. Also... The phase of the moon will be nearly Full (That happens on Saturday to be exact). So, all of you superstitious folk out the will be scared shitless or shitlessly scared take it how you will. I used to think that all bad would happen to me on that particular day. Nothing ever did... but in the back of my mind I will know that it's the 13th and a full moon.
Fortunate for everybody.. there is only two months in which the 13th falls on Friday... January and October. For all you people who believe certain numbers signify something, here's one to think about: June 6th, 2006. (
666) whooohaaa ha ha....Eric
Back to Work...
After my two day sick vacation, I worked tonight. It wasn't that bad. It was Julio in the Box with me!!!!
Getting off of work at 0100 in the morning has some advantages... No traffic being one of them, only a couple of stop lights, the others are blinking yellow, the interstate has nobody on it (A big plus because we have the worst drivers driving at 75 mph in the world). Hey... I bought a "Salted Nut Roll" before I left the hospital and now I can't find it, Son of a bit... Salted Nut Roll.. ahhhhh.
I should get to bed, I have a shitload of stuff I must do tomorrow. Get cash outta the bank in one town (Piedmont doesn't have a bank, keeping it simple) then I have to drive the 30 miles to pay my cable bill since I need to go that way anyway, get brake pads for the Stratus, get some groceries then put said pads on the Stratus. I doesn't sound like much but it is. Oh well... I'd just be sitting around anyways so I might do something.... See ya soon.
Discipline... To Be or Not To Be..
Wednesday, January 11
When I was a kid and I fucked up, I got a spanking. As did my brother. He received the most of them because he was a little shit. Did we deserve getting smacked when we screwed up? Ya goddamn right we did. I can't use the analogy that deserved punishment (A crack on the ass if you fucked up) not a beating abuse style, straightens kids out when they become adults. Look at my family, I was going to say that I was spanked and I didn't end up physically abusing my kid. With me, a stern, yet loud bark is all I needed to control my daughter.
My dad didn't discipline my youngest brother at all and he's been in trouble with the law on several occasions. My other brother who is two years younger than me has been in trouble with the law once, Me...Zero. So statistically it looks as if parental discipline kinda worked here. Not scientifically though. I knew if my dad had to intervene in anything that my mother was trying to stop, (ie: fighting with siblings, not listening.) We were in for it.
Now my Dad was the disciplinarian in my house growing up. He didn't smack us outside the home unless we really deserved it. He would quietly say, "You wait until I get you home.", with a tug at the back of our shirts as he lead us to the car... I knew that the shit was going to hit the fan. My Dad used the belt. I've heard of others using a switch, paddle, wooden stiring spoon and such.Or the ones that had to get there own stick off of the tree. The belt was a kaiki US Navy issued braided belt with a brass buckle on it. Sometimes, my Dad didn't have to say anything when we were in trouble, we heard the "vvvrrrr" of the belt coming out of the loops in his pants and Ohhh Shit.
Now some pacifist, time out, go to your room sort of idiot would have definitely had a problem with my fathers style of discipline. I'm not trying to criticize that type of discipline... well maybe I am. But kids of today seem to get away with shit that I had the sense not to do when I was a kid. Because the "Wait until your Father gets home..." shit meant something.
So Tony Blair (Prime Minister of England) was asked in an interview, whether or not, he smacked his kids. Being a public figure, he paused and had to explain himself for disciplining his older children. Don't worry Tony... If the kid fucks up, smack him. I see it this way, A judge isn't going to have you stand in the corner or go to your room if you fuck up as an adult is he???
Ha Ha Ha ha
Ross sent me a picture that I think screams. Check it out...
Check ya later
The Clearing...
Tuesday, January 10
Well... the gunk (not the gunk I was talking with Julio about) in my chest is giving me reprieve. I guess if you cough enough, one of your lungs will come out of your mouth. I still have a cough but it's not as violent now. The aches are diminishing hoo ray!!!
After reading the last couple of posts, you can tell my content is less than be desired. Ya see inky? I didn't apologize like the last time. There isn't alot to talk about when you haven't left the house in three days.
But.... Pop-Tarts are the best invention in the world!!! Blueberry... ahhh.... (like Homer Simpson would say)
I can not believe that a judge in Vermont gave a 60 day sentence to a habitual child rapist. The sick fuck in this story admitted to raping a 7 year old for 4 years. And said he'd do it again!!! The judge gave 60 days!!! What type of world do we live in? Vermont must have the same sentencing giudelines as South Dakota. We gave 100 days to a man who killed a motorcyclist. Children in Vermont must not have any worth. It's truely sad!!
From Pop-Tarts to insanity...
Okay, as most of you know I play Geetar (guitar for you others) Last Year I bought a Charvel electric and play it every so often. Back in the day, we used to play a forty song set when we would gig. I can't remember any of the cheeze assed songs we played but a few. I know it was 80's music but it was fun to play because it didn't take much to do it, so it actually looked like we knew what we were doing. With the exception of the dude singing... egad!!
I play just for the enjoyment of it. Any dream of a career now...Ha ... ha ha AHHHH HA HA HAAAAAAAAAA. Any who... We played pretty good until our singer started singing. Anyways......
And You Are Who????
I watch only part of the news and I want to scream. Why does the public regard anything an actor or musician says as being special??? They know nothing about the current state of the ordinary Joe/Josephine. Do they care???? Hell No!!!! Ya know why? They don't have to. They are the 1% that they keep bitching about.
Moving On...
Monday, January 9
Since all of you are in DENIAL about the porn.... I'll move on.
I'm feeling better after I slept awhile today. But I am still coughing. And boy am I producing, but I'm not going to get into that... another time maybe.
Since I slept alot of today, I've been up watching TV. This evening wasn't to bad. I finally caught an Av's game on OLN. They kicked the shit outta the Blues. I started watching an older movie. the movie is called "Defending Your Life". I recommend it. It's an Albert Brook's movie. For those in my circle who don't know Albert Brooks... He was the voice of Nemo's dad on "Finding Nemo". Very neurotic but funny. Rip Torn plays his attorney.
I'm thinking of doing something every Wednesday at this site. They have it on the Opie and Anthony show, but there's is a phone line. It's called the "F-You line". You call up and record who you want to say "Fuck You" to. You can write anybody you want. I'll try and set it up where they go to a sidebar strip so everybody can see. Let me know if you will use it.
Well... I'm going to lay down again.... Talk to ya later..
NNNgggggg ahhhhhggggggg...
I'm riding the sick train and were moving fast. Not the "Sick Train" all of you ride with your unlimited
free porn and free popcorn.
I cough so hard it makes my throat hurt. I do not like being sick.
Let's talk free porn... How can any filthy magazine editor make it in today's world? There is more porn out there than there are people in the phone book.
Give me your opinion on it....
The Illness
Sunday, January 8
Rarely do I get sick. I usually am in denial when I am.
Ask Barry.. I went out with him a long time back feeling kinda crappy. As we sat there drinking our beer he ask me if I was feeling okay. I said, "Well to tell you the truth, I've felt like shit all day long." Truth be known, I had a fever before I met him at the bar but I didn't think it was that bad. He did the hand to the forehead thingy and said "You're burning up man". I said "Naw, it ain't that bad." I sat there a little while longer and I started to fell worse and worse so I decided to go home. I got home and dug out the old glass thermometer. I had to look to make sure there wasn't a little red dot on the top of it and in my mouth it went. I took it out and read it... 103.0. I was sick but didn't believe it. I was laid up for 2 and a half days with that sickness. That was before i started getting the flu shot tho. I haven't had a fever since then.
This little illness I feel coming on doesn't include the fever but I have the aches, runny nose, sore throat, congestion and sneezing. Voila... common cold. But the aches are increasing and I hate the aches. I have taken some pain reliever to try and calm the ache but to no avail. And everytime I lay down the goddamn congestion makes me cough. I have tonight and the day tomorrow to get my shit together so I might go to work at 5pm.
Tomorrow I start the 6 weeks of hell. I call them that because I was being nice to somebody going to school on Tues. and Fri. I have to work an evening on Mondays and Thursdays so she doesn't have to work those evening before a class day and return the follwing morning and do a day shift. I'll survive it but will probably tell her she's on her own next pay period.
I would like to say Hi to Rhonda...
"Hi Rhonda" She said she would like to check this site out and see what it's all about. I told her it was about absolutely nothing. Anyways, I'm going to lay down and try to rest...
The Night After...
First of all... Rosemary???? I have your coat!!!!
I met some friends to celebrate the long end of a class that they took. I met with Rosie, Lesley, Barry, Rhonda, and others at the Firehouse. If you ever get into Rapid City you need to go to the Firehouse. the Firehouse is the old city fire department converted into a brewery and eatery. Great Beer!! I like the Porter. It's the best I have had and it's microbrewed. We then went to Murphy's and drank somemore.
Rosie left early because of the fact she had to work. I got the message of the coat and grabbed it before we went to Fatty's. I was done drinking at Murphy's. We ended the night at Denny's because IHOP was fucking closed.
Congrats to those mentioned above and all the best to them.
I woke this morning with a congested chest which I partly blame on the smoke at the bars we were at but I also have been fighting a small cold for about three days.
Now I'm feeling achy which usually means I'm coming down with something more than just a cold.
Well more later....
Let's Spell R-E-S-E-A-R-C-H...
Saturday, January 7
Okay... before you decide on something that could possibly effect your Family, livelihood, and your economics, what do you do? You do a little research correct? Meetings and information is usually open record and is available upon request.
The reason I'm talking about research is of what is happening to businesses that had dealings with the county, now find they are part of a municipality. That municipality is Somerset. Somerset is South Dakota's newest community located between Piedmont (unincorporated) and Black Hawk (unincorporated). The voters of the area in and around Somerset voted to create a new town last year. Now business owners with liquor licenses are hollering because the License they had before are Null and Void. Because the City of Somerset will divvy out those licenses now and there are only a couple that they are going to give out.
Now a few people are challenging the legality of the vote because they are claiming that county officials never told them about the process and boundries of the city. By state law, the county doesn't have to tell the citizens anything. These people are grown up enough to research this stuff on their own, which they didn't.
I could care less whether Somerset stays a city or not. It doesn't effect where I live at all. But what is funny, that grown people expect somebody to give them information that is readily available up in Sturgis. Now they are crying foul because the county didn't act like Mommy and Daddy to them and now they are balling. Grow up people!!! Take responsibility for your actions and shut the hell up. I don't think the state should have to pay for anything that a individual accepted into after a vote. You wouldn't buy a car that was stolen would you???
The Future Awaits...
Friday, January 6
Okay... Have you ever wondered what the future may bring humanhood. We think of the flying car, Food replicators, and the ability to be "Beamed Up". Have you ever watched Star Trek, The Next Generation? The cool technology and shit. Well, the clothes are muched to be desired.
You would think that in the 24th Century that everything was fail safe. Why does the goddamn ship always break down? There is always something happening to the Dilithium Chamber or the Matter Antimatter Flux Coil. Here's another point to ponder. What company designed and built the Enterprise? Does all of Jordy's modifications void the warranty? And why didn't the company realize that the Chief Engineer is smarter than the people who designed the goddamn thing in the first place. Hire that bastard!!!
Well maybe the future won't be all that it's cracked up to be and the Wal Mart of the future will still be selling jumper cables for your flying car and Galaxy Class Starship.
The Human Condition Part IV
What make a person the way they are? Thier personality, actions, the ability to be who they are and think they can get away with it? Let's look at the cocky asshole today.
In my travels, I have seen just about every type of human being there is, personality wise. The type of person mentioned above, in my opinion, is all about shock value. Every person that comes into contact with this personality type basically sees "Fucking Asshole", as I do most of the time.
I see the cocky type having two sides. You have your cocky type that knows he/she will do well at certain things and will knock down those who try like hell to keep up but are not quite as proficient.
And you have your garden variety "Fucking Asshole" who says things that could possibly end employment or getting punched in the face by several people with others watching & being look out for those who might want to stop said beating. Of course , I loathe the latter more than the first. This type basically see what your reaction will be to the less than intelligent sexual comments about a teenager that might walk by. Chalk it up to being "Young and Dumb"? I don't personally agree with that analogy. I believe this type of specimen needs a beating on a regular basis and then mocked for the physical marks and bruises as this "shitbird" weeps for mommy.
There is a big difference between "Cocky" and "Confident". I'm sure all of us have seen the type explained earlier and had to walk away because just the mere sight of this prick, almosts send you into a homocidal rage.
The best way to deal with this menace is to simply ignore them, tune them out and walk away. They thrive on audience participation for thier "circus of bullshit" and cease all activity when that audience leaves.
You Would Think I Was Part-Time...
I worked a 5p to 1a shift tonight. I wasn't too bad because "Cracklin' Rosie" was with me in triage.
I saw a friend today in Wal-Mart I hadn't seen in a very long time. I used to work with her at the hospital in a different department than the one I'm currently working. Gina... We would laugh all the time when we worked together. Just stupid shit too. I saw another former co-worker from my days at Pepsi Cola... Darwin. All I went to Wal-Mart for was milk and ass wipe. It took me 40 minutes to get out of that evil place.
Well I'm getting tired and so I'll go....
The Way You Are...
Thursday, January 5
I just read a friends blog about religion...or the lack there of. She made great points in her post about why she is an Atheist. First of all, she didn't have to explain because it's nobody's business but hers. But she did and it was interesting.
Myself, I was born a Catholic, raised Catholic until I married my wife in a Lutheran Church. I like the Luthern Religion better than Catholic because I don't believe that any human has the power to excommunicate. The faith you have for any religion is personal and the church's leaders have no right to question that. I also believe the Pope as false. He is human just like you and me and just because he is voted in by others, does not make him God-like. The Pope is just like any CEO to a corporation. A leader to the leaders of churches not the parishiners.
The Christian way of today is troubling. Growing up, I was taught Christians forgive and love thy neighbor. When did that change? The most vocal hatemongers today are spitting out verses of the Bible to prove thier point about a lot of social issues. Homosexuality being a big one. Abortion another. These people search for verses and manipulate them to fit thier agenda. Read the Rapid City Journal Opinions and you will see these idiots express hatered toward others on a daily basis. I love the verse...
"He who is without sin, cast the first stone" A popular verse and one that is least used and understood by these people. There are a lot of fucking people throwing rocks at others these days. I am not bashing Christianity at all. But I am bashing the people who claim to be Christian.
Christianity should be like a CPR card, where you need to renew every two years or so. The testing should be extensive on what a person believes a sin is and why is that a sin. There should be no open book (Bible) to retreve the individuals interpretation of somebody elses writing. Answers should come from the individuals heart and then a determination should be made about whether that person is worthy enough to be welcomed back into the church of choice. Any personal interpretations of scripture will be a critical criteria and that individual fails.
People don't understand the consequences of there actions of today. If you believe you will be judged for your actions on life to reap the benefits of the ever after, Think about whose words you are using to push your personal, hateful agenda. I hope to be the sacred fly on the wall listening in heaven as you "Uhh" and "Ohhh" your way into heaven.
39 years + 1 day
Okay.... if you want to know, yeah I drank beer last night. But incredibly, I feel real good today. I met some co-workers at Ruby Tuesdays then I went to the Clock Tower to meet family.
Like someone wise told me...39 is just a number. If people believe I look 26... I'm not going to argue with them. Thank you for all the nice comment in the last post. And a special thanks to Jenny, she said it true to her heart,
"Happy Birthday you old bastard."Okay.. on to business... If you haven't heard... our former Governor and disgraced Representitive to the House was given the okay to practice law again in South Dakota by the South Dakota Supreme Courts of Morons. If you don't know the story of our fine, upstanding ex-gov... read on..
Janklow's law license was automatically suspended after a jury in December 2003 found him guilty of second-degree manslaughter for killing Randy Scott, 55, of Hardwick, Minn. He only served 100 days for murder. Scott's motorcycle collided with a car Janklow was driving near Trent, north of Sioux Falls. Janklow also was found guilty of speeding, running a stop sign and reckless driving. He resigned his seat in Congress effective Jan. 20, 2004, just a year after he took office as South Dakota's lone member of the U.S. House.
"Hey if you want to "get off the hook" come to South Dakota" should be the new slogan on the new license plates. He, actually, has never admitted he was wrong. Diabetic my fucking ass!!! He gave the most dumb excuses for what he did. Well, knowing the trend of voters in this state, he'll be back in a power position soon.
39 and All In My Glory...l
Wednesday, January 4
Today, 39 years ago, I was born in New London, CT. I made such a stink over this day because 20 years ago I asked myself, "What are you going to look like at 39?" Well, it was far from this. I imagined myself looking like my father. He was gray at 29, had the standard "Dad haircut" and was just Dad. I'm sure my daughter is saying that about me, "just Dad".
So nonetheless, another year down the shitter and on to 40.... I'm sure that 39 turd is going to swirl and swirl and will probably be a double flusher.
Continuing...Okay... On my day today... I got up at 10:14. I thought I would have slept longer. Let the blasted dog outside to do whatever it is he wants to go outside for. If I don't let him out and I try to sleep, he will just sit there with his ears perked up looking at me sleep. And I know when he does it too the little bastard. He stares at you like he's performing the V
ulcan mindmeld or something.
Anyways.... checked the news of the day. Clicked over to this site and read what you fine, beautiful people posted below. Turned the TV on and started flipping around the channels. Stopped at "Say Anything" Got bored and I'm updating this to you now. More later...
The Number Say it...
Tuesday, January 3
Polls. Are they worth a fuck when it comes to swaying a vote or direction of your vote? Who the hell knows. It seems that 49.8% of adult Americans believe that politicians are corrupt. Hmmm I thought the number would be higher. The numbers, I believe, come from people under the age of ...50. I say 50 because any person above that age will vote straight, meaning if they have voted for a candidate before, there is an excellent chance they will vote for them again regardless of a stance on a certain policy. Now 50 might be a young age to be using, but after 50 people begin looking at the state of the country or state with retirement in front and all else being secondary.
Take The Daschle / Thune debacle for instance. I didn't like either candidate for various reasons. Daschle did become a "nancy boy" for the Democratic hierarchy. Helping the party win, win, win at all costs. Also, I wasn't crazy with what his wife did for an occupation... She was a stinking lobbyist for the corporate airline industry outside his home state at that. Was Tom Daschle corrupt? Probably... in a sneaky kind of way. The whole tax situation in Washington shows him to be such is that... your typical politician.
John Thune caught the "cocaine like taste" of the high life in Washington. Here is a man who swore to us he would serve only one term. Already there is talk of re-election. Bill Janklow.... Need I say more. Herseth... now she is the smart one, she waited for an opportunity like a cat ready to tear apart Janklow's smug, fat, pudgy, slow assed mouse. She seized the day. A true politician.
All politicians are corrupt in some manner or another. It's up to us to figure out which one is getting sloppy and nail them for it. Daschle got sloppy, Janklow was plain stupid and John Thune is yet to feel the wrath of a voter scorned. Let's see how Stephanie is able to handle us yokals come election time.
Jan. 3rd, 2006
Not to much to talk about today....
But I was thinking about something.... which came first... the toilet or the ass wipe? I'm sure people have been wiping thier asses since the dawn of time with rudementary objects but when did the softness of the modern toilet paper come into existance? If you are to logically look at the term "toilet paper", one would think the crapper came first. Well you would be right. The shitbox was created in the late 18th century and a cleaner asshole came in the late 1800's. That is your "Interesting tidbit of today"
I watched "Team America" on DVD tonight. That is one crazy fucking movie. Well See ya all tomorrow....
Take this Test You Will Not Regret It...
Monday, January 2
Hey I'm 76% of something other than idiot... Yah Hoo..
I am 24% Idiot.
I am not annoying at all. In fact most people come to me for advice. Of course they annoy the hell out of me. But what can I do? I am smarter than most people.
Holy Mother......
Work today.... Oh my god!!! Now I'm on Ambulance call until midnight.
I'm going to go on a potty mouth rant right now... I haven't done that in awhile.
Todays subject... The worst drivers in the world. They all hail from counties in South Dakota. Oh sure, they think they know how to drive an interstate system or city freeway but they fucking can't. I find that most of the problem drivers on my commute have 49 or 15 or 09 on their license plate.
Listen assholes, just because there are two lanes doesn't mean you can fucking drive at 59 mph in the passing lane. And getting passed doesn't mean you are a loser in some fucking race. If you are going 65 in the cruise lane then go 65. The passing lane problem, If we had multiple lanes, like 3, 4 ,5 or 6 lanes of driving then driving in other lanes other than the right one would be okay. But we don't. I'm surprised more people don't kill more people because of thier fasination with the left lane.
Another burr up my crack is the cell phone talker. These mother fuckers have to talk on the phone while driving. Fast, slow, fast, slow..... FUCK!!!!!
Now that I got that off my chest... How was your day?????
The Thinking Made Me Do It....
A collective sigh could be heard out of all conspiracy theorist who always believe the world will end at midnight on December 31, thus bringing in a new year of disaster and death. Most of us don't give it a second thought. With the exception of 6 years ago when everybody freaked out, buying shit for the next technological rapture thus throwing our lazy, uneducated asses back into living like the Flintstones. I'm not much on believing in somebody's interpretation of a 600 year old scribble on tree bark saying that this is the year we meet our destiny because of somebody seeing something in a caldron of soup. We make
our own destiny on how we choose to live right? Live on the edge or hide in a corner.
I couldn't think of any viable resolutions this year except one. To make it to December 31, 2006 and 2359 hours with everything intact. Everything meaning my life, sanity, my family, the friends that I have and new ones I have made along the way. Could you really ask for anything more? Sure dropping 30 lbs. off of that pudgy ass would look nice but would you trade a good friend for 30 lbs? Not me. Cherish the people you know and don't take that for granted. Keeping friends is a lot harder than keeping 30 lbs off of you.
I have friends in 3 circles... the ones I have known personally for years, the friends I work with (I prefer to call them friends other than co-workers... just some though and you know who you are..) and the ones I have met through this medium.. blogging. Are you a person without friends? On the literal side yes, but in all no.
I started blogging as a way to say what was on my mind via local politics, stupid local people and such. But it's become much more than that, in a way I didn't think would happen. I thought I would make entries two maybe three times a week and nobody would read or give a shit. I was using this as a way to express my opinion the way I thought would make my point my way, unlike the opinion page in the local rag in which you are censored to the teeth. Well, I'm liking the fact that my agenda changed here because you can only complain so much before people stop listening and you become an annoyance. The fact that the people who read here come back to hear what's on my mind is gracious. I wished more would say "Hey" or something in the comment area but that isn't required of you.
My resolution for the New Year is to keep as many of you as friends as I can. Because I DO believe you are not a person unless you have the people closest to you around to enjoy life... yours and my own.
The First Post..... 2006
Sunday, January 1
Okay... The start of a New Year and it's going to be pictures taken from Kevin and Lori's New Years party. A lot of people I haven't seen in a while were there. Here are some pictures you can see the rest of them at my flickr page.
Ross and his message of Love

And Last but not least... The one Mark wanted to see... Me.. jamming a chicken wing into my cakehole

Now that you have seen me still life, forever with poultry sticking out my mouth. Happy New Year