age= The Noisy Cakehole <$BlogRSDUrl$>
The Noisy Cakehole
Open Your Mouth, People

The Clearing...

Tuesday, January 10
Well... the gunk (not the gunk I was talking with Julio about) in my chest is giving me reprieve. I guess if you cough enough, one of your lungs will come out of your mouth. I still have a cough but it's not as violent now. The aches are diminishing hoo ray!!!

After reading the last couple of posts, you can tell my content is less than be desired. Ya see inky? I didn't apologize like the last time. There isn't alot to talk about when you haven't left the house in three days.

But.... Pop-Tarts are the best invention in the world!!! Blueberry... ahhh.... (like Homer Simpson would say)

I can not believe that a judge in Vermont gave a 60 day sentence to a habitual child rapist. The sick fuck in this story admitted to raping a 7 year old for 4 years. And said he'd do it again!!! The judge gave 60 days!!! What type of world do we live in? Vermont must have the same sentencing giudelines as South Dakota. We gave 100 days to a man who killed a motorcyclist. Children in Vermont must not have any worth. It's truely sad!!

From Pop-Tarts to insanity...
