age= The Noisy Cakehole <$BlogRSDUrl$>
The Noisy Cakehole
Open Your Mouth, People

A Driving Instruction Lecture

Tuesday, January 24
This evening I had a training at the Fire Hall. EVOC training. EVOC stands for "Emergency Vehicle Operators Course. It's a course on safety and common sense when driving large emergency vehicles. The power point is much to be desired but the President of our Emergency Medical Services Association puts on the course, Danny Hayes. Dan tells a great story too. He's been in EMS for a very long time and has seen his fair share of shit. It's always nice when he lectures. Dan is also fun to drink with. While in Las Vegas at the National EMS Conference, a couple years back, Phillips put on a inpromtu show for thier brand new Defibrillator at the Belagio. I had the pleasure of drinking with Dan. Ya see, Phillips, the company makes everything electronic, had an open bar from 6pm until 10pm. So Danny got wasted!!! It was great.

Tonight he talked about personnel who drive thier own vehicles to fires and ambulance calls at the speed of light. Speaking of that, while I was taking the Structure Fire Class acouple of years ago, one of the many instructors told the story of a member of his Fire Department who was stopped while heading for the fire department for a call. The Highway Patrol clocked him going 129 miles an hour in a 45 mph zone. He ended up going to jail. Dumb bastard!!

Well folks I'm gonna jet... see ya,
