age= The Noisy Cakehole <$BlogRSDUrl$>
The Noisy Cakehole
Open Your Mouth, People

Holy Mother......

Monday, January 2
Work today.... Oh my god!!! Now I'm on Ambulance call until midnight.

I'm going to go on a potty mouth rant right now... I haven't done that in awhile.

Todays subject... The worst drivers in the world. They all hail from counties in South Dakota. Oh sure, they think they know how to drive an interstate system or city freeway but they fucking can't. I find that most of the problem drivers on my commute have 49 or 15 or 09 on their license plate.

Listen assholes, just because there are two lanes doesn't mean you can fucking drive at 59 mph in the passing lane. And getting passed doesn't mean you are a loser in some fucking race. If you are going 65 in the cruise lane then go 65. The passing lane problem, If we had multiple lanes, like 3, 4 ,5 or 6 lanes of driving then driving in other lanes other than the right one would be okay. But we don't. I'm surprised more people don't kill more people because of thier fasination with the left lane.

Another burr up my crack is the cell phone talker. These mother fuckers have to talk on the phone while driving. Fast, slow, fast, slow..... FUCK!!!!!

Now that I got that off my chest... How was your day?????
