age= The Noisy Cakehole <$BlogRSDUrl$>
The Noisy Cakehole
Open Your Mouth, People

The Things We Get/Don't Get Into............

Friday, January 27
We all have certain interests. Whether it be NASCAR, Football, Motorcycles.... We choose different things to keep us occupied and enjoy them. Somethings people do that I just can't get into. There is no appeal or interest.

People do some weird shit that would make me puke. I'm not into scat or do I watch it. How can any sensible person have somebody shit on them? The smell...Oh My God. Where I work, that smell is prevalent and nobody enjoys it. We try our damnedest to coat it in a potpourii scent so we don't have to smell it. How does a person seek somebody out to participate in that type of thing? "Hey Jane?? How 'bout you come over for dinner tonight. I'm having Mexican. Maybe after dinner you can shit on my chest. Really, it'll be fun."

Fisting is another thing that I just don't get. Sticking your hand up to your wrist up your own ass. Hmmm.

Remember when porn was just about a guy, a girl and bad dialog? People say things evolve and get more interesting. Wow!! Now add a horse to the mix and voila!! People are fucking strange. Well, I thought I'd ask for others input because I just don't get it....
