age= The Noisy Cakehole <$BlogRSDUrl$>
The Noisy Cakehole
Open Your Mouth, People

Kick His Fucking Ass!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, January 31
Yet another police beating happened in St. Louis yesterday. And of course the NAACP is calling foul on it. When these types of incidents arises, it's usually caught on camera. I'm not a big fan of the media these days because they sensationalize everything. You get one guys (the rotten reporter) view to a situation that has multiple aspects. That's because news stories are big money, and when money is involved, you don't get the whole story.

The NAACP doesn't see that the alleged victim is a scumbag. A career criminal with a history of violence against women and children. Does that change your view of this piece of shit. The NAACP only sees whitey smacking the black dude. They don't see the possible dangerous aspect put on the public by this punk speeding away. Maybe the guy almost killed somebody in his flight from the law. Maybe the criminal had a weapon and would not reliquish it. Only the officers subdueing the dirt bag knows.

I don't like groups like the NAACP. They are racist shrouded by a name and image. I don't like groups period. Because they have agendas. Other groups are NOW, AIM, PETA, and so on and on. They serve no purpose but thier own.

Moving on... Who here thinks Cindy Sheehan is a fucking shitbag? I see my hand raised. This person was seen on the news hugging a known enemy to the United States and it's people. Ship that bitch to Venezuela and see how she like living there if she hates America so bad. She is a slap to the face of every veteran that has served in a hot zone and those who have died serving thier nation. Treason used to have meaning in this country and they used to do something about it.

I sound a little angry today don't I? Well with all the shit that is happening in the world you have to vent every so often. Next post won't be so angry.
