age= The Noisy Cakehole <$BlogRSDUrl$>
The Noisy Cakehole
Open Your Mouth, People

Let's Spell R-E-S-E-A-R-C-H...

Saturday, January 7
Okay... before you decide on something that could possibly effect your Family, livelihood, and your economics, what do you do? You do a little research correct? Meetings and information is usually open record and is available upon request.

The reason I'm talking about research is of what is happening to businesses that had dealings with the county, now find they are part of a municipality. That municipality is Somerset. Somerset is South Dakota's newest community located between Piedmont (unincorporated) and Black Hawk (unincorporated). The voters of the area in and around Somerset voted to create a new town last year. Now business owners with liquor licenses are hollering because the License they had before are Null and Void. Because the City of Somerset will divvy out those licenses now and there are only a couple that they are going to give out.

Now a few people are challenging the legality of the vote because they are claiming that county officials never told them about the process and boundries of the city. By state law, the county doesn't have to tell the citizens anything. These people are grown up enough to research this stuff on their own, which they didn't.

I could care less whether Somerset stays a city or not. It doesn't effect where I live at all. But what is funny, that grown people expect somebody to give them information that is readily available up in Sturgis. Now they are crying foul because the county didn't act like Mommy and Daddy to them and now they are balling. Grow up people!!! Take responsibility for your actions and shut the hell up. I don't think the state should have to pay for anything that a individual accepted into after a vote. You wouldn't buy a car that was stolen would you???
