age= The Noisy Cakehole <$BlogRSDUrl$>
The Noisy Cakehole
Open Your Mouth, People

The Number Say it...

Tuesday, January 3
Polls. Are they worth a fuck when it comes to swaying a vote or direction of your vote? Who the hell knows. It seems that 49.8% of adult Americans believe that politicians are corrupt. Hmmm I thought the number would be higher. The numbers, I believe, come from people under the age of ...50. I say 50 because any person above that age will vote straight, meaning if they have voted for a candidate before, there is an excellent chance they will vote for them again regardless of a stance on a certain policy. Now 50 might be a young age to be using, but after 50 people begin looking at the state of the country or state with retirement in front and all else being secondary.

Take The Daschle / Thune debacle for instance. I didn't like either candidate for various reasons. Daschle did become a "nancy boy" for the Democratic hierarchy. Helping the party win, win, win at all costs. Also, I wasn't crazy with what his wife did for an occupation... She was a stinking lobbyist for the corporate airline industry outside his home state at that. Was Tom Daschle corrupt? Probably... in a sneaky kind of way. The whole tax situation in Washington shows him to be such is that... your typical politician.

John Thune caught the "cocaine like taste" of the high life in Washington. Here is a man who swore to us he would serve only one term. Already there is talk of re-election. Bill Janklow.... Need I say more. Herseth... now she is the smart one, she waited for an opportunity like a cat ready to tear apart Janklow's smug, fat, pudgy, slow assed mouse. She seized the day. A true politician.

All politicians are corrupt in some manner or another. It's up to us to figure out which one is getting sloppy and nail them for it. Daschle got sloppy, Janklow was plain stupid and John Thune is yet to feel the wrath of a voter scorned. Let's see how Stephanie is able to handle us yokals come election time.
