age= The Noisy Cakehole <$BlogRSDUrl$>
The Noisy Cakehole
Open Your Mouth, People

Well There Goes My Neighborhood...

Monday, January 30
It seems as if scientists in England have come up with the idea that alcohol consumption can lead to certain types of cancer. Okay.... tell us something we don't know. We know alcohol leads to bad decision making, unwanted pregnancy, cure to little man syndrome, and whiskey dick. What's one more thing.

The whole thing with listening to experts is kinda....stupid. They tell you that eggs are bad for you, trans fat is bad for you, sunshine is bad for you, television is bad for you, country music is bad for you. When are these fucking "know it alls" going to realize that we don't give a shit and that they should keep thier little thoeries to themselves.

Next they will instruct us to install methane gas detectors in our pants because methane is depleting something. The experts tell us that flying is the safest method of travel.... Have you heard of anybody dying in a pilot error walking accident? No. So in essence, walking can be described as a very safe form of travel.

So, drink your stout beer and margaritas people... because when you are drunk, you could give a fuck about cancer.
