age= The Noisy Cakehole <$BlogRSDUrl$>
The Noisy Cakehole
Open Your Mouth, People

The Way You Are...

Thursday, January 5
I just read a friends blog about religion...or the lack there of. She made great points in her post about why she is an Atheist. First of all, she didn't have to explain because it's nobody's business but hers. But she did and it was interesting.

Myself, I was born a Catholic, raised Catholic until I married my wife in a Lutheran Church. I like the Luthern Religion better than Catholic because I don't believe that any human has the power to excommunicate. The faith you have for any religion is personal and the church's leaders have no right to question that. I also believe the Pope as false. He is human just like you and me and just because he is voted in by others, does not make him God-like. The Pope is just like any CEO to a corporation. A leader to the leaders of churches not the parishiners.

The Christian way of today is troubling. Growing up, I was taught Christians forgive and love thy neighbor. When did that change? The most vocal hatemongers today are spitting out verses of the Bible to prove thier point about a lot of social issues. Homosexuality being a big one. Abortion another. These people search for verses and manipulate them to fit thier agenda. Read the Rapid City Journal Opinions and you will see these idiots express hatered toward others on a daily basis. I love the verse... "He who is without sin, cast the first stone" A popular verse and one that is least used and understood by these people. There are a lot of fucking people throwing rocks at others these days. I am not bashing Christianity at all. But I am bashing the people who claim to be Christian.

Christianity should be like a CPR card, where you need to renew every two years or so. The testing should be extensive on what a person believes a sin is and why is that a sin. There should be no open book (Bible) to retreve the individuals interpretation of somebody elses writing. Answers should come from the individuals heart and then a determination should be made about whether that person is worthy enough to be welcomed back into the church of choice. Any personal interpretations of scripture will be a critical criteria and that individual fails.

People don't understand the consequences of there actions of today. If you believe you will be judged for your actions on life to reap the benefits of the ever after, Think about whose words you are using to push your personal, hateful agenda. I hope to be the sacred fly on the wall listening in heaven as you "Uhh" and "Ohhh" your way into heaven.
