age= The Noisy Cakehole <$BlogRSDUrl$>
The Noisy Cakehole
Open Your Mouth, People

A New View...

Sunday, January 15
Now I have always kept an open mind about a lot of stuff. From Left to Right, Minority or Majority, Liberal and conservative and everything in between. Yes there are some organizations that do things that make you clench your jaw shut and you bitch and moan about their agenda. I will probably be banished from everybody's blogs if I mention the one's that I have distain for.

If you haven't heard the story. A man lived with wild Grizzly Bears in Alaska for 13 years. He considered them friends and believed he was at one with this creature. He would walk up to them, talk to them and truly believed that by his presents around them, he was protecting them from the evil human.

This man's name was Tim Treadwell. And I saw the documentary about him Saturday night. His main objective was to keep the habitat of the grizzly safe from humans. In my personal opinion, this man was truly, certifiable insane. Watching the documentary at first, I thought it was a story about a man's experience with the wild bears and he was doing legitimate studying. But after watching the movie, I saw a disturbed man with a troubled past.

He claimed to be working with an organization called Grizzly People. He had cute little names for all the bears he would encounter, all the while videotaping his experience. He was a kook. He constantly would say he would die for the animals he was around. Well... he got his wish. In Oct. 2003, a bear attacked and killed Treadwell and his girlfriend. A bush pilot who supplied Treadwell discovered the remains of Treadwell and his companion. Park officials shot and killed the bear in the attack. Gutting the bear, they found most of his and girlfriends remains.

I understand that there are a lot of organizations out there that do good and the people involved aren't nutjobs like the ones portrayed in this documentary. This movie made all enviro's to look like .... dumb asses, which Treadwell was one of them. It changed the way I see these people. And yes, their true colors come out in this documentary.

Mr. Treadwell, in my opinion, did more harm to these bears than good. Reason being, the group of bears he hung around now are accustomed to humans. Nature is nature for a reason. Bears don't make friends and pseudo hippies activists are dumber than hell.

I recommend that you rent this documentary and watch it. Come up with your own opinion. Because I have changed mind about these people. Because a 45 year old ex-drug addict idiot still tastes good to a hungry bear.
