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The Noisy Cakehole
Open Your Mouth, People

Smell of Hammer and Sickle II

Friday, January 13
Okay, Jeop was the only one that gave a comment. Thank you ma'am.

My point...

I read a story yesterday about a company in Michigan that is randomly testing employees for nicotine use... That's right tobacco users. If they are found to have tested hot, they are fired. The company president said the program promotes a healthy lifestyle and to keep healthcare coverages down. The last two statements are what got me going.

Healthy Lifestyle. By who's definition? In my little scenario, the lady was actively exercising and keeping a healthy lifestyle. I was going to use a different scenario but was having a hard time coming up with a story line to cover what I was trying to conveigh. I tried using a Rock Climber but again was trying hard to figure out how to work that into my story.

What I was trying to tell you was that... There is no difference between a tobacco users lifestyle and a person that is active in dangerous activity. I used Rock Climbing because it's adherently dangerous. The rock climber could have fallen creating a mess for the individuals health care plan. Costs go up because of the injury's occured during the accident. Smokers health declines more slowly over years, and a thrillseeker who engages in dangerous activity injuries happen now and are more extensive. But the smoker/tobacco user has to pay more for insurance than the person who does dangerous activities.... Why? The outcome is the same for both.

I'm not saying smokers should not quit... they should. Smoking is a disgusting habit that is, obviously, being phased out by local ordinances. But my point being why doesn't a person not have to claim they engage in dangerous activities?

America, I believe, still has a Bill of Rights correct? The constitution mentions nothing about smokers and tobacco users being exempt from the law of the land. 20 US states allow companies to fire individuals for tobacco use. What would happen if these companies fired people who enjoyed hiking in National Parks because of the risk of a hiker getting mauled by a wild animal? What about alcohol use???

Since the government is allowing companies to trouce on people's right to choose what to do outside the job. What will be next?? No candy or sugar based products because of the risk of Diabetes, No hamburgers or steak because of the risk of heart disease. No outside tanning because of the risk of cancer.

This is a Double Standard in my opinion. The motto of the United States.. Under God the People Rule. No where in that statement did I see corporation.

Anyways.... Have a nice night...

  • Great blog I hope we can work to build a better health care system as we are in a major crisis and health insurance is a major aspect to many.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 17 January, 2006 23:26  
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