age= The Noisy Cakehole <$BlogRSDUrl$>
The Noisy Cakehole
Open Your Mouth, People

The Illness

Sunday, January 8
Rarely do I get sick. I usually am in denial when I am.

Ask Barry.. I went out with him a long time back feeling kinda crappy. As we sat there drinking our beer he ask me if I was feeling okay. I said, "Well to tell you the truth, I've felt like shit all day long." Truth be known, I had a fever before I met him at the bar but I didn't think it was that bad. He did the hand to the forehead thingy and said "You're burning up man". I said "Naw, it ain't that bad." I sat there a little while longer and I started to fell worse and worse so I decided to go home. I got home and dug out the old glass thermometer. I had to look to make sure there wasn't a little red dot on the top of it and in my mouth it went. I took it out and read it... 103.0. I was sick but didn't believe it. I was laid up for 2 and a half days with that sickness. That was before i started getting the flu shot tho. I haven't had a fever since then.

This little illness I feel coming on doesn't include the fever but I have the aches, runny nose, sore throat, congestion and sneezing. Voila... common cold. But the aches are increasing and I hate the aches. I have taken some pain reliever to try and calm the ache but to no avail. And everytime I lay down the goddamn congestion makes me cough. I have tonight and the day tomorrow to get my shit together so I might go to work at 5pm.

Tomorrow I start the 6 weeks of hell. I call them that because I was being nice to somebody going to school on Tues. and Fri. I have to work an evening on Mondays and Thursdays so she doesn't have to work those evening before a class day and return the follwing morning and do a day shift. I'll survive it but will probably tell her she's on her own next pay period.

I would like to say Hi to Rhonda... "Hi Rhonda" She said she would like to check this site out and see what it's all about. I told her it was about absolutely nothing. Anyways, I'm going to lay down and try to rest...
