age= The Noisy Cakehole <$BlogRSDUrl$>
The Noisy Cakehole
Open Your Mouth, People

I Got Tagged... Oh No!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, January 23
Anyways... I got tagged by Spacesilver from across the great pond called Atlantic. That sounds so wrong... Here we go

Four Jobs You've Had In Your Life:
1. In Shipping for a video movie distributor
2. Sawyer for a truss maker
3. Service Technician for Pepsi Cola
4. Emergency Department Technician in an Emergency Department.

Four movies you could watch over and over:
1. Close Encounters of the Third Kind
2. The Hunt For Red October
3. Sneakers
4. Red Planet (Alright, I know what yer thinking... NERD!!)

Four places you’ve lived:
1. Groton, Connecticut
2. Suisun City, California
3. Denver, Colorado
4. Sturgis, South Dakota

Four TV shows you love to watch:
1. Mythbusters
2. Seinfeld
3. Star Trek: TNG
4. Anything on the History Channel

Four blogs you visit daily:
1. Southern Bird's
2. Julio's World
3. Super Secret Diary of an Earthling
4. The Sh*t Magnet

Four favorite foods:
1. Pizza
2. Prime Rib
3. Meatloaf
4. Fast food..... Any...

Four albums you can’t live without:
1. Rush- Signals
2. Matthew Moon - I Thought U Should Know
3. Anything by R.E.M.
4. Hoodoo Gurus - Stone Age Romeo's

Four vehicles you’ve owned:
1. 1982 Chevy Citation (what a piece of shit... But it got me around)
2. 1989 Volkswagen Vanagon
3. 1997 Dodge Stratus
4. 2001 Nissan Xterra

Four minus one beautiful people to be tagged:
1. Julie
2. Jenny
3. Marnie