age= The Noisy Cakehole <$BlogRSDUrl$>
The Noisy Cakehole
Open Your Mouth, People

The People Who Lead Us...

Thursday, January 19
Life in America is kinda strange if you look at it in it's context. The news is always looking at unemployment rates, GNP, The Dow and the dance of the Stock Market.

The people we elect to represent us in our never ending quest for recognition for fair balanced government have been not so fair and balanced. As I have said before and will say again, politicians are a cancer on American society. We elect the only candidates we can because the one that could make a difference... don't have the funds to get elected. This country has been run by the 1% for so long that we can't tell the difference anymore. Take Clinton for instance, The man shoots his load on an intern and the people weren't outraged. Some were but most didn't care. Now if it had been your husband or wife, I'm sure you would have been pissed.

Ethics... it is a word that has left our society when it comes to politics. This word hasn't been used since Eisenhower administration in the late 50's. The downfall of ethics in American government started with the Kennedy's and hasn't gotten any better. I blame this on big business, PAC's and special interest. America isn't about the individual anymore but about the corporation. The more money that a corporation can throw your way... the easier it is for swarmy politicans to take control of high offices and then the individual loses.