age= The Noisy Cakehole <$BlogRSDUrl$>
The Noisy Cakehole
Open Your Mouth, People

Man... They Are The Coolest!!!!!

Saturday, January 21
I love one show and one show only.... Mythbusters. The ultimate job.. you get to destroy things. How fuckin' fun would that be? I watch it when ever I can!!

I wouldn't have believed it if somebody told me. They did a experiment involving a bullet being shot into water and how far underneath the water would you have to swim to not get hit. They used several guns. A .22 caliber, I think a .308, a shotgun and a .50 caliber. If you were fired at by a person at an angle of 20 to 30% degrees, your depth, with all guns, would have to be only 36 inches. Yep... 36 inches. I was astonished. Anyways... back to the TV I go in my infinite sickness...