age= The Noisy Cakehole <$BlogRSDUrl$>
The Noisy Cakehole
Open Your Mouth, People

The Thinking Made Me Do It....

Monday, January 2
A collective sigh could be heard out of all conspiracy theorist who always believe the world will end at midnight on December 31, thus bringing in a new year of disaster and death. Most of us don't give it a second thought. With the exception of 6 years ago when everybody freaked out, buying shit for the next technological rapture thus throwing our lazy, uneducated asses back into living like the Flintstones. I'm not much on believing in somebody's interpretation of a 600 year old scribble on tree bark saying that this is the year we meet our destiny because of somebody seeing something in a caldron of soup. We make our own destiny on how we choose to live right? Live on the edge or hide in a corner.

I couldn't think of any viable resolutions this year except one. To make it to December 31, 2006 and 2359 hours with everything intact. Everything meaning my life, sanity, my family, the friends that I have and new ones I have made along the way. Could you really ask for anything more? Sure dropping 30 lbs. off of that pudgy ass would look nice but would you trade a good friend for 30 lbs? Not me. Cherish the people you know and don't take that for granted. Keeping friends is a lot harder than keeping 30 lbs off of you.

I have friends in 3 circles... the ones I have known personally for years, the friends I work with (I prefer to call them friends other than co-workers... just some though and you know who you are..) and the ones I have met through this medium.. blogging. Are you a person without friends? On the literal side yes, but in all no.

I started blogging as a way to say what was on my mind via local politics, stupid local people and such. But it's become much more than that, in a way I didn't think would happen. I thought I would make entries two maybe three times a week and nobody would read or give a shit. I was using this as a way to express my opinion the way I thought would make my point my way, unlike the opinion page in the local rag in which you are censored to the teeth. Well, I'm liking the fact that my agenda changed here because you can only complain so much before people stop listening and you become an annoyance. The fact that the people who read here come back to hear what's on my mind is gracious. I wished more would say "Hey" or something in the comment area but that isn't required of you.

My resolution for the New Year is to keep as many of you as friends as I can. Because I DO believe you are not a person unless you have the people closest to you around to enjoy life... yours and my own.
