age= The Noisy Cakehole <$BlogRSDUrl$>
The Noisy Cakehole
Open Your Mouth, People

I Can't Sleep....

Tuesday, January 6
I'm finding it difficult to sleep tonight. Tons of stuff running thru my head. I get this way every so often.

Thinking of somebody I used to know who really dumped on me. You think you know somebody and then wham. Well in the end... I really didn't ever care for her.

Thinking of my daughter and the road she is going to take. She tries hard and I hope she finds what she's looking for.

Thinking of people close to me.

Thinking of moving on with my life.

Hoping my car doesn't die on me.

Thinking at times that I could start over from scratch with one exception.

Thinking of my mother... she's not getting any younger.

Wishing that family loyalty still reigned supreme... but doesn't.

Wishing I could sleep tonight.....