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The Noisy Cakehole
Open Your Mouth, People

Holy Moly....

Thursday, January 8
When I was younger, the thought of paying for insurance on a service seemed like I was throwing money down the crapper. I still believe the car insurance people are the spawn of hell for what the cost are and no rebate of annual refund check for not having to file a claim. I understand that some of the money we individually pay offsets some of the costs for people who don't insure and crash into insured people. But in mind set that isn't fair to the thousands of drivers who never have to file a claim over many many years. But this post isn't about auto insurance..

Last year, reluctantly, I signed up for a vision insurance plan. I am supposed to wear glasses but never did because I didn't think I looked right in them. That was many years ago. Plus the fact that my daughters eyesight isn't perfect. Maybe I'd say a buck or two.

After not wearing my glasses for all those years I decided it was time to grow up and get an eye exam. My vision has stayed mostly the same over those years but I started squinting more and sometime that lead to mild headaches. I received my glasses today. Not a bad looking pair I might say so.

Back to my insurance story...

So, after consulting, after the fact, with some folks who opted out of getting the insurance I began to think of the logic behind it. Somebody told me that if you don't use the insurance, like the car insurance thing, you will be paying more than you would if you didn't have the insurance. So, i did the math with out the correct figures on exam costs, frames, lenses and any additional costs like scrtach-proof coating. My figures coincided correctly with the opinion of my friend. Needless to say I wanted to cancel my plan. But I didn't.

For the cost of the whole kitten kaboodle without insurance I would have paid $439.00. I nearly shit myself after seeing that figure. Speaking of that, I have a co-worker that opted out of the plan when my employer offered. She just spent well over $500.00 for her glasses and options.
Boy an I glad I kept the insurance. My total cost was $64.00. I did the math again. And you are goddamn right I saved. I understand that if you don't use the plan over an extended period, you are paying for nothing. Man... I'm glad. Now I just have to let my vision adjust to them.