age= The Noisy Cakehole <$BlogRSDUrl$>
The Noisy Cakehole
Open Your Mouth, People

Have You Had Enough???

Monday, December 1
I stopped complaining about the way our government did things because in truth.... there's not a lot you can do about it. Take the whole mortgage situation. Rich people help only rich people. It's been that way since the industrial age. To help a corporation with inept leadership is ridiculous. But then again... there is not a lot you can do about it.

Before last months elections, we had to hear a group of wealthy people try and convince us that they were the better of the group spouting off promise after promise that they could fix what they believed is broken in our country. What they didn't realize was that they are the ones broken. So in essence, the American voter believed a minority thinking that he was the one to create real change. Now I for one hope he keeps up his campaign promises but have big doubts that he will. Mainly because he may look like a black man on the outside but essentially is a wealthy old white guy with wealthy old white guy ways.

Now I believe that if a person says one thing but doesn't follow through with that promise they should be held liable for misrepresentation and be sued for it. Take the Clinton's of the 90's. Hillary and Bill made us believe he would have some sort of Universal Health Care before the end of his first term. That failed miserably. The mention of Health Care was never to be heard from again from them. Just think of how the campaign would sound if a few of these wealthy rich guys who become president get sued for millions and lose. Accountability for your spoken word should be like a contract. It is like signing your name to something in the fact that most likely a news camera is recording you saying it.

Obama claims to be the hero of change in America. What type of change was he talking about? White people to Black people change? He got that right. He is a black man and he defeated a white guy for President. That's a big change. I, for one, hopes he does deliver. The only thing that frightens me is that he wasn't specific on the change that he was talking about.