age= The Noisy Cakehole <$BlogRSDUrl$>
The Noisy Cakehole
Open Your Mouth, People


Monday, October 20
I may have offended somebody with my last post. Before people start calling for my crucifixion, I need to clarify some stuff for people who don't come here and read me.

First of all, What I write here, when it come to my bitching and moaning, is not from a person to person experience. I WILL NOT gossip about the people in my daily life. I do complain about others I don't personally know and read about in the newspaper or on TV. Occasionally, I will think about somebody I used to work with but do not associate with anymore and think of the things that they would say and believe to use to prove a point.

Second of all, This is my opinion and is open for discussion. I am always open for a discussion to possibly change my mind about something or possibly change yours. I have always believed that not being open minded clouds judgment and is bad.

So, if I have offended anybody with my textings here... Good. But don't hold what I say here against me because opinions are like assholes... everybodys got one.