age= The Noisy Cakehole <$BlogRSDUrl$>
The Noisy Cakehole
Open Your Mouth, People

Holy Shit... Is That Jesus Christ????

Wednesday, September 3
From time to time, I do the "next blog button push" to see where it takes me. Tonight I realized that a whole lot of South American people have computers and they have blog pages to prove it. While interesting to them, it's just scribbles and gobbly gook to me. Some of the pictures are beautiful and different. To see anothers view of their world has it's coolness.

Every so often a family blog would pop up with pictures of the kiddies and shit.

The ones that turn the stomach are the " How Blessed Are We That We Had Sex And Viola..... Children". Now would you not think the miracle of the birth of a child from anybody is blessed or is it just Caucasian Middle Class Christian 30 Somethings? Now I know that your child is the cat's ass and you think that everybody enjoy the tike no matter how repulsed the try to hide. Before you want to hang me by my short and curly's but.. this excludes the people I personally know and have met their children. It's the religious overtones in these other people's blogs that makes one think that God was a Friday night eat over guest and that he did them a great favor in creating their children out of playdough like a mongolian grill chef.

Showing off your children is ok but just because you attend church and have the picture of the old man praying in your kitchen. God did nothing in creating that soon to be horrible 4 to 9 year old... it involved a penis, a couple of glands and a vagina along with some bad dance moves you were afraid to make at your wedding.