age= The Noisy Cakehole <$BlogRSDUrl$>
The Noisy Cakehole
Open Your Mouth, People

The Gorilla Traveller...

Monday, September 8
I tried starting a photo blogging page awhile back with photos I took with a 5 inch rubber gorilla. The gorilla is black with a snarling look to him. I found him at a Spearfish Thrift Store. The lady working the place wanted him gone because the kids would play with it and it ended up on the floor. I guess she was sick and tired of picking him up everyday. I bought him for a dime. A killer bargain considering that you can't by shit with 10 cents anymore. Anyways.. my main plan was to take this gorilla on travels with me, take his picture and post it on it's own blog page. Well... the project lost steam and my interest so I shelved the idea. Then I decided that I would let people I know take him with them, have them shoot some photos of him and I would post them.

Well now I'm interested in doing again. I shot the idea around at work and a few people thought it was a great idea. I did take some pictures of him when I went to Vegas last November and have those photos ready to publish.

Right now, a co-worker is going vacationing in Europe. Germany and Italy to be exact. Guess who's traveling with them. The co-workers husband thought that was a great idea and I think he will be taking the pictures. Let's hope they take a shitload of them.

Another co-worker is going to Mexico in a month or two and he will be going with her. The one problem I am having is that he doesn't have a name. So... respond to this post with a suitable name for him. This is him below
So help me find a name for this good looking bastard. I will start posting pictures as soon as I get the ones from Europe. I will place a link to the right when I create his travel blog.