age= The Noisy Cakehole <$BlogRSDUrl$>
The Noisy Cakehole
Open Your Mouth, People

The Gorilla Is Back...

Wednesday, September 24
My rubber Gorilla is back on top of my TV. Patty, Ross and her clan returned from a successful trip around Europe. Many pics to show. Thanks to Patty, Ross and her family for taking the time to start a new cool project. Since Patty was the first to take him on vacation, she got to name him..(and the rest of you lazy bastards didn't even try) His monicker is ...."Jack". Simple but sweet.

Check out his photo blog starting Friday the 26th. You can go there now but there is only introductions. Blogroll him dammit. You can see Jack in all his glory at Jack's Travels.
Happy travels....

**Update** Things are going slow with the photo upload. They should be up soon...