age= The Noisy Cakehole <$BlogRSDUrl$>
The Noisy Cakehole
Open Your Mouth, People

The Day Before....

Wednesday, September 10
Tomorrow marks the 7th anniversary of the New York, Pennsylvania, Pentagon terrorist attacks dubbed 9/11. Remember the days following this date and you saw American flags and a new sense of patriotism. But in recent years that has waned. Like most American, they leap before they look. What started out to be a noble effort to support America turned into a battle cry for a war that is very unpopular. This is basically George Bush's legacy. Nobody in the future is going to look or talk of George Bush in any other fashion.

As for the cry for a national holiday on September 11th is well.... basically stupid. Why does death in this country warrant a holiday for people to take off of work to grill at parks and play frisbee. With the exception of Christmas and the 4th of July, every federal holiday revolves around the death and destruction of people. Why should the casualties of a terrorist attack deserve a holiday? If the rest of the world thought that way nobody in second and third world would work. If we as a people in this country would see how stupid we really are and that the countries who hate us have a legitimate reason to do so we all would be embarrassed. I love my country and my way of life just as much as any person who blasts out a Toby Keith song but we need to realize that the world doesn't revolve around the United States. To force a way of life on a people is a assnine thing to do.

Has democracy worked for us in the 200 + years of our existance? For the powerful and rich it has. And for the lazy "I don't want to work" crowd that takes unearned money from the ones who all make it possible for them... Us, the middle class, who find it honorable to earn a dollar with actual work. Shit... I'm getting way off the subject at hand.

As for a National Holiday for 9/11??? Hell no. All of us could die at the hands off a nutjob why are they that much more special that the servicemen and women who sacrifice their lives everyday in a job that the majority of young people would run away from? The next time you see a military uniform on the proud folks doing a job for us shake their fucking hand because they deserve it. Where's my goddamn American owned nationally distributed beer Toby Keith???!!! That's right there isn't one. I'll take the Guiness instead thank you very much.

** Sidenote with totally nothing related to the shit spew above. I didn't explain the "Name the Gorilla" thing I got going here very well... You are suppose to reply to the post with an actual hand typed reply. Thinking it to yourself doesn't count. Help me out here man!!!