age= The Noisy Cakehole <$BlogRSDUrl$>
The Noisy Cakehole
Open Your Mouth, People

Camp TipACupa..... That's How I Roll....

Wednesday, September 17
Camping is fun... at least to me it is. Add alcohol and fun folks... even better. Last weekend, friends from work had a fun time with a camping outing dubbed "Camp TipACupa". I'm guessing it's the last time many of us can go camping until next summer. With the weather patterns being all unpredictable, I was weary about camping in the Black Hills in the middle of September. Lately, It gets much cooler in the evenings but not last weekend. It was perfect. And a full moon to boot.

I decided not to name the folks that camped except myself. I'm not ashamed of nothing. I did drink beer and wine. And had fun. To those who signed up but didn't attend???? Pussies, the lot of you. You missed a very good time.