age= The Noisy Cakehole <$BlogRSDUrl$>
The Noisy Cakehole
Open Your Mouth, People

How Come I've Never Heard Those Guys.....

Wednesday, August 6
The state of music these days isn't what it used to be. Back in the day, you would have to wait until you hear a song on terrestrial radio before you could get into a singer or group. The only radio station in the Hills that would play an advanced copy of an album in it's entirety was KSQY. Well with the internet you can sample a song and buy it for X amount of pennies.

I discovered a cool website while I attended the Mile High Music Festival a few weeks ago. They go to festivals and webcast them live. It's called AT&T Blue Room. Last weekend I watched half of Sunday's performers at Lollapalooza on the computer. I caught the last song from Blues Traveler and the next act that played blew me away. They are "The John Butler Trio". Why have I never heard of these guys? They are a mix of funk, reggae and bluegrass with a rock twist. I'm not a big fan of the banjo thus making me not a big fan of Country (I could never get into a genre of music that had the word "c*nt" in the genre name) I figure that if your into eating pole cat and fucking your first cousin, Country was your cup of tea. These guys hail from Australia. Excellent band. Check them out.....