age= The Noisy Cakehole <$BlogRSDUrl$>
The Noisy Cakehole
Open Your Mouth, People

And You Are Who????

Monday, August 11
I generally put to much thought into things that I think of. I will look analytically at things to see if they float. I usually place myself and surroundings into the situation and actions thought of.

Memories... they come and go throughout your daily routine but the most significant ones remain. I'm not a neurologist or a psychologist so I haven't the slightest clue on why we choose to remember certain memories and others fade only to be brought to the forefront by mention from others. Most memories are like dreams.. they fade fast and never to be remembered.

I watched a movie last night about a couple who begin a relationship that eventually ends when one of them has her memories erased to forget the other. Upset and hurt, the man opts to do the same. What's different with him is that he becomes aware of what is happening after he is rendered unconscious after the procedure begins. During which time he realizes that he doesn't want the procedure done because he wants to remember his former girlfriend.

If there was such a company who performed this procedure... would you have it done to forget someone in your life?