age= The Noisy Cakehole <$BlogRSDUrl$>
The Noisy Cakehole
Open Your Mouth, People

Alone Again Without You....

Saturday, August 2
Okay... That was a cheesy attempt to be funny with a mid 80's Hair Band Ballad from Dokken. None the less, I am living alone. My brother moved out yesterday just as he said he would. I did enjoy his company and at times, when sober, was a great guy. But when you start dating a girl who moves in with you and starts taking over the apartment that's when I had to draw a line. I didn't mind her being around but yesterday was the first day in over a month that I was able to hang on my furniture in a long time. I still have a few of his items here and will be transfering them to my other brothers house.

The thing that I'm not going to get angry over because it's not worth it is that when he got the internet thru one of the local cable providers here they mistakenly turned on the cable. So we had free cable for a long time. Well, he must have called the cable company and had it shut off. A not so bright move seeing that now the cable company know he had cable and wasn't paying for it. Everybody I tell that to says the same thing on what a lowball fucking move that was.

I'm still angry over the fact that he gave me a gift and took it back saying that he didn't give it to me. He is having trouble finding a place to live and I would have given him a break and let him stay until he found a place but I didn't for the above fact. I have a couple of items that went missing in my room before he left and will look to see if I misplaced them. A couple of headlamps worth about $75.00. I also went in half on the cable modem and a wireless router that he didn't give me money back for. I am going to eat those tho. But the headlamps are expensive and I would like them back.

Since he took the computer he gave me back my daughter lent me hers. Thank you Kahlyn. Anyhoo.... I'm alone again... Not so bad.