age= The Noisy Cakehole <$BlogRSDUrl$>
The Noisy Cakehole
Open Your Mouth, People

Sorry For The Absense....

Saturday, June 7
Sorry for the long pause in my writings. A lot has gone on and I should catch you up on it.

First... my daughter Kahlyn graduated from High School. Thank the lord above!!! I am so proud of her. I will post pictures of the reception later and much sooner than I have posted this post.

On the ex- wife homefront... What I thought was a stable relationship with her turned out to be a big mistake. Maybe just naive on my part. She doesn't make much money as a teacher so she needed a second job. She got one at a bar in Piedmont called the Sawtooth Saloon. This bar used to be a meth distributing hub before law enforcement closed it down. Now it's a dive for the drunk locals to get piss drunk in. They don't like outsiders there. While working there she met a "local" and started dating him. Then things started changing between her and I. I expected it and am alright with it now.

Well... talk at you later.