age= The Noisy Cakehole <$BlogRSDUrl$>
The Noisy Cakehole
Open Your Mouth, People

Winter Storm Advisory..... Right.

Thursday, April 10
Living in the High Plains has its downers. For one, winter can be a bitch or not so much. This year not so much. Over the last couple of days, The Weather Channel has been telling us here that a bitch of a winter storm is coming and that we should shit ourselves with fear. They actually have been telling us that since the end of October. Time and time again, nothing. Granted that the area here is in a "drought", we could use a good winter storm with a decent snow pack. Or we will be in for another dry summer.

I understand that forecasting the weather is a guessing game. But... people with Master's degrees in Meteorology should be more consistent. I want consistent weather forecasting goddamn it. I thought of schooling to become a meteorologist. You basically get paid to ... well guess. I can go to a carnival and get guesses.

So Weather Channel??? Give me some consistent forecasting!!!!