age= The Noisy Cakehole <$BlogRSDUrl$>
The Noisy Cakehole
Open Your Mouth, People

The Priciple of the Widget...

Wednesday, March 19
Most people have no clue as to whet a "widget" is. A"widget" is the stuff on the sidebar of a blog like my stuff to the right. If you know how to manipulate HTML codes inside a template then you can add any widget to your blog or MySpace account. I used to be pretty good at HTML when I was blogging regularly.. but as the addage states "It's like riding a bike... yada yada.." That's complete horseshit.

I'm sure you have noticed a couple of new things here. First is the "Slacker Radio" widget. Most blogs I have ran across have a music player that you add music that is licensed from the website offering the the player. Most I have seen, you need to have a Masters Degree in Computer science to get the fucker to work. Plus I hate going through the ropes to get a couple songs of artists you hardly know to play on your page. Over Christmas, co-worker wanted to listen to holiday music on the computer and stumbled across "". This is a very cool website radio. I have no come to an online radio station that offers the amount of music that Slacker does. In other words.... Fucking cool. Check out their website and listen to it. Simple sign up.

Anyways... The Slacker widget I have here is actually for MySpace but Imade it work with a little manipulation. To get the player to play you have to press the "Play" button and voila instant music. the player plays random tracks from the genre of music I think you need to listen to... Because, from the wisdom I've learned of a co-worker I work with (Cheryl knows who I'm talking about) IT'S ALL ABOUT ME!!! I will change up the genre every so often but for now you get "Alternate Hits" If you want to hear anything else... Get in your fucking car.

Next I added a ticking clock with the time here for no good reason. And also I added some interaction. Scroll down farther and I added a frog. Move your mouse around the area he is in and he will follow the mouse. Left click to feed him. Anyways....

Remember to click the "Play" button for the radio to play. Peace!!!!!!!!