age= The Noisy Cakehole <$BlogRSDUrl$>
The Noisy Cakehole
Open Your Mouth, People

What Am I Doing HERE!!!

Wednesday, January 16

If you have ever been to western South Dakota and been to the Black Hills, you will or have been amazed at this patch of forest in the middle of nowhere. It truly is like no other on earth. But if you take a minute to read a paper or watch a news broadcast you will utterly confuse yourself will the idiocracy that the state government can be filled with so many out of touch with reality.

Last year, the Legislature voted in a tax that raised the price of smokes by a buck and chewing tobacco by 30% of it's selling price. Now before you get on your health soapbox hear me out. The class of people that this hits hardest is the lower class. Okay I'm not defending the lower class but the kids in these lower class homes whose parent has an addiction and will likely buy cigs before anything that benefits the family as a whole... (ie: food, OTC medicine, etc...) Ah... now you see what I'm getting at.

Another issue is the seatbelt law. We here have a seatbelt law that effects mainly the front seat passengers only. Don't where a seatbelt it's twenty bucks to the state. Now some do-gooder wants to implement a law that requires all in a vehicle wear seatbelts. Government intrusion again. Okay... before you get on your safety soapbox hear me out. We here in western S.D. have a shindig that calls itself the Black Hills Motorcycle Rally. Every second week of August in the tiny town of Sturgis, 300,000 bikers ride into the area...... with no helmets. And the main cause of motorcyclists deaths during that week is blunt force head trauma. Nuff said.

Socialism is alive and well in South Dakota as well as government stupidity. More later...