age= The Noisy Cakehole <$BlogRSDUrl$>
The Noisy Cakehole
Open Your Mouth, People

Holy Sheet Rock A Second Post!!!

Wednesday, January 16
That's right you bastards... a second post. I could have saved it for tomorrow but instead of hiding it away in the deep dark abyssal I call my head. I'll spew it to you. Truthfully??? I'd fuck up and forget what I wanted to type and you'd be left with shit information on the temperature of a Yak's scrotum just before mating season. (If you want to know that info??? Google it yourself ya lazy bastard.)

I know how boring it can be for a reader to read about how proud a parent is of the accomplishments of their kids. You've heard it before, Kimmy swam the deep end or Johnny made the honor roll for the 4th time... Ugh. Well I'm not going to talk about the sports achievement that my daughter hasn't achieved so you are safe. Anyways. I am going to talk about the news she gave me a couple of days ago.

We went to dinner, oh by the way.. my daughter is 17, anyways... She tells me that she has all the credits that is needed to graduate High School. I wanted to piss myself with excitement. And it's not that I thought she didn't have it in her to succeed or something like that but... that she did have it in her to succeed. Little things that make you want to react like a diaper wearing 1.5 year old with a bitch of a rash.

In April, she'll be an official adult. Her mom and I did our job pretty good. 1. she's not been knocked up by the dumbfuck punk that every parent in town hates. 2. She, (as far as I want to believe. She's my daughter so your feeble opinions have absolutely no weight so piss off) has never done drugs or been nailed by the cops at a local house party piss drunk with vomit caked on her shirt with a "Minor under the influence" charge.) So.. I will celebrate this accomplishment, even with the jeers of readers who hate hearing about the meager, overzealous banterings of the too proud parent. SO..... HA!