age= The Noisy Cakehole <$BlogRSDUrl$>
The Noisy Cakehole
Open Your Mouth, People

The Drinking Game...

Monday, January 28
Last night, I needed a drink. A couple of co-workers text me saying they were meeting down at the Firehouse Brewing Co. here in Rapid City. The Firehouse, as we call it, serves food and their own brew of beer. Good Beer and Food. Anyway, We drank there for a bit then traveled to The Robbinsdale Lounge. The Robbinsdale Lounge is a place connected to a Bowling alley. Alright bar. They had Karoke last night. Plus they were playing drink games.

This particular game involved a team of three people. Our team consisted of my brother Brett, Megen (a friend) and myself. The object of the game was to slam down an 8 oz plastic cup full of beer then placing the cup, standing up right, on the edge of the table. You then had to hit the bottom of the cup hard enough to stand upside down. Then your team member next to you would slam their beer and do the same until the last member of your team repeats the process. The team who finished first wins. We, of course...... lost. Megen's not a chugger. None the less, it was fun.