age= The Noisy Cakehole <$BlogRSDUrl$>
The Noisy Cakehole
Open Your Mouth, People


Wednesday, November 1
This being the 1st of November, I'll shall ramble instead.

I had the day off today and did absolutely ziltch. The most I did today was get up to take a leak. I napped, something that should be explored more. More of the nothing doing tour is still in progress.

I want to apologize to the people who used to stop here and read. I let you down by not doing my part and am sorry. Upon reading my past posts, I realized it sounded as if I enjoyed writing very much. I still enjoy it but the ferver of wanting to write is gone. Maybe once I get back into it I will do better.

I hope the people who used to come here return and I will come up with more interesting shit to talk about..... Later.
