age= The Noisy Cakehole <$BlogRSDUrl$>
The Noisy Cakehole
Open Your Mouth, People

White Money...

Sunday, November 26
With all of the scholarships that you can receive. There are many for minorities that Caucasians can't apply for none the less even qualify for.. because white people in America aren't ...Minorities. A contradiction in terms of the greatest degree considering that there are more minorities than whites in America.

Republicans at Boston University created a Caucasian only scholarship for $250.00. Now every Democrat and minority are crying foul. How can a white only scholarship be given. Goddamn racists!!! Well actually that's not my feeling at all but everybody else's. Now the Republicans are using this scholarship as a test to see how people react to a blatant slap to the black, brown, red persons faces. Now, why would people who are white be complaining about a whites only scholarship. Maybe whites have walked on egg shells for so long they can't see the double standard in race based scholarships. That's the way I see it.

Race based money guaranteed only to minorities. Well why can't whites benefit from money only given to them? Let whitey give money to his race for advancement. I have no problem with it!!!
