age= The Noisy Cakehole <$BlogRSDUrl$>
The Noisy Cakehole
Open Your Mouth, People

The Kramer Effect...

Friday, November 24
Michael Richards.... what were you thinking. I'm not blaming you for anything and what happened didn't change my mind that your are a funny comedic ACTOR!!! That's right... actor.

I know I'm not going to make many friends with what I'm going to say but if comedians were expected to apologize everytime some asshole felt offended.... welll there just wouldn't be any comics out there. Sure he went over the top but I'm sure if someboby was fucking with you at your job... killing your rhythm you'd fly off the handle too. The fact that these two fucks expect an apology is ridiculous. I've been to comedy shows where you just a.) don't sit up front, b.) keep your flaphole closed.

The part that pissed me off the most about this situation was that "Black Leaders" got involved. Why? Nobody was injured or killed by the rant of a man fed up with hecklers. These people wait like a cougar after prey for a white person to fuck up and they come out of the woodwork. By the way.... I'm not white so don't get your ears up that I'm a racist or a bigot. I'll just tell you to Fuck Off and all will be well.

The poor white folk.. walking on egg shells. I'm not saying that the white community has been very nice to the minority of the US... 50 years ago. If you look at how blacks are in todays society well... they have it very good compared to say.. Indians. Black athletes make boo koo bucks. Millions upon million of dollars these fuckers make but they are the first to cry foul and say that the world is unjust.

That is my rant for today....
