age= The Noisy Cakehole <$BlogRSDUrl$>
The Noisy Cakehole
Open Your Mouth, People

A Long Weekend...

Sunday, October 29
I know you are supposed to enjoy a long weekend. I wish that my long weekend was when I had nothing to do... not a case in point this weekend.

This weekend I attended the South Dakota Emergency Medical Technicians Assn. Yearly conference in Rapid City. I look forward to this conference because you see many that you haven't seen in a while.

Our state has 7 Districts and I live in District 6. Many people travel from the Eastern side of South Dakota, more so than the west. I would give this years conference a 6 out of 10. All of the speakers were excellent and informative. The meal was above average and the feel of the conference itself was pretty good.

If you know me I can just talk about the good... The folks who organize the conference work very hard at it I understand but.. it's their attitude. A better than thou disposition kinda make you look like an asshole. A certain few were like that. So you run with the big dogs for 3 fuckin days big fuckin deal. enough with that.

