age= The Noisy Cakehole <$BlogRSDUrl$>
The Noisy Cakehole
Open Your Mouth, People

Hello, I'm back...

Friday, October 13
Sorry for the monumental delay. I have been without a computer for a long time. I have access to one now.

My divorce was final on the 29th of September and all is well. Marnie and I are getting along really good and have discussed the mistakes we made leading up to our eventual demise. I still hate the guy she was making nice with and will always hate him. But the hatred towards my former wife is all but passed. I realized that the marriage as a whole was broken and her contacting and being manipulated by the piece of shit from Bayfield, CO was mostly my fault. Well some of my fault. I still blame Jimmy for the overall distruction of the marriage. He knew that we were married yet he pursued the online relationship nonetheless But anyways...

I now live 17 miles to the southeast in Rapid City with my baby brother Brett. Not to bad. Anyways I'll stop talking about the bad things in my life and hope to get the folks back that used to visit here. I miss this and would like to continue telling my side of things. See ya...
