Friday, June 9
I'm glad to be back. I enjoy this alot. It's a good way to say what's on my mind. Let's get started.Thanks to everybody first of all...
A couple of weeks ago, the cafeteria where I work decided to have a ethnic diversity thing by having a menu each day that, what they thought,show what a different ethnic group would eat. On that Monday they started out with an African American cuisine... Fried Chicken... Grits... cornbread... with they exception of the watermelon which they figured would stereotype them. On Tuesday was Native American which consisted on "Indian Tacos" Where did they think that all Natives eat only fried bread tacos is beyond me. Then after that they didn't have any other races and the food these people think they eat.
Myself being the wise guy that I am... Said what happened to "White Guy Wednesday???? Which I said would consist of a bologna sandwich and cherry kool-aid.