age= The Noisy Cakehole <$BlogRSDUrl$>
The Noisy Cakehole
Open Your Mouth, People

Look In The Mirror...

Tuesday, May 9
Back in school, I was treated alright but there were others who weren't. They were different and didn't do the things most others did so they were singled out and ridiculed for it. I admit to some teasing as a kid but it usually ended quickly after realizing that the kid being picked on could most possibly be me. I put myself in their shoes and didn't like what I saw.

In most school, around here, if you can't throw, catch and run you are considered weird. Sports, Sports, Sports!!! If you were lucky you could do more than just play with other males. The jock still reigns supreme from what my daughter tells me. Teachers think that if you do well in extracurricular activities you are worth more in the society of school. What they don't realize is that everybody is made up the same. With the exception of an appendix or something.

I played sports as a kid without the harassment from my father. Sure he was my little league coach back in the day but respected me if I had had enough. You watch other kids and their parents get physical with them to do better and you see the discontent on their little faces. Those are the one who end up rebelling against the parent and get into some sort of trouble. Or... you have the rich, well to do kid who thinks a break is owed to him or her. These types are the worst.

Just because you are overweight as a kid doesn't give anybody the right to bash on someone's self esteem. Those who do end up getting it in the end. In one of my earlier posts I mentioned a punishment for using the Bible to strengthen a personal opinion. I said, "...I'm sure there in the depths of some religious rule there is a law for which your short and curly's will ignite and smolder a 1000 years, at least I hope there is, and you will have to chew on a homeless man's (or woman's) damp sock for enough spit to extinguish the fire on your smoldering pubes...". I hope this punishment befalls the tormenter of others and the ones who stand idly by when they seek the forgiveness of the afterlife.

Do you smell something burning?????
