age= The Noisy Cakehole <$BlogRSDUrl$>
The Noisy Cakehole
Open Your Mouth, People

Hmmm... Again...

Tuesday, May 2
To live in South Dakota you must accept a few things. Low wages, Inept leadership, Bible quoting idiots.

Low wages... South Dakota ranks 50th in the United States to pay thier educators. 50th!!! Every so often Montana slips and South Dakota become 49th and the switch goes back and forth. Nobody actually does anything to improve, they just keep slipping. Now I'm not a fan of unions. Mainly because... instead of government officials and administrators getting wealthy bonus', the union heads get it. No win situation.

Inept leadership... South Dakota voters vote the incumbent way most of the time. With the exception when the incumbent becomes a national figure and loses sight of the constituents who voted them in. So... in essence, it's actually inept voters but they do like to stir the soup when it needs stirring. This state has been uniformily Red. The people will say that they are good Christians electing the people who have similar beliefs when in fact a theocratic form of government is the most dangerous. In other words, the Red voters have no clue what damage could possibly come from thier inept actions. Our Governor is inept. From Bill "the Killer" Janklow to Mike " You Aren't The Boss Of Me" Rounds.

Speaking of the spotlight on this state.... Why is it anything involving the word "South" always has something going on in the government that people have a distain for? You never hear of this stuff going on in "North" Dakota. Just an observance.... Anyways...

Bible Quoting Idiots... I have nothing against people reading the "Good Book". It is a fascinating story on many fronts. BUT... Don't quote certain passages to back a personal opinion. I'm sure that somewhere in the depths of some religious rule there is a law, for which your short and curly's will ignite and smolder for a thousand years, at least I'm hoping there is, and you will have to chew on a homeless man's (or woman's) damp sock for enough spit to extinguish the fire on your smoldering pubes. I'm not sure if I could stand around for 1000 years to watch that.... Well maybe depending on who it is...

Anyways... This is my rant for today.... 'Cest La Vie..