age= The Noisy Cakehole <$BlogRSDUrl$>
The Noisy Cakehole
Open Your Mouth, People

Technology Abound...

Tuesday, April 11
When I was young, technology was simple. All the phone had cords, nothing digital. Analog rules. We would actually role play for fun.. you know cops and robbers type of stuff. We would ride our bikes for something to do not exercise.

It wasn't until I was ten or so did the first video game you had to put quarters in to play. Thus began my life with technology. I can say that I grew up before this medium. To live without it would be difficult. Cellular phones, something back when we didn't even think about. 2 soup cans and a string were the extent of the technology I was acustom to. Man, have we come a long way.

Thinking about a life without this stuff seems impossible. When will there be a time when technology takes completely over. When humans start not to think for themselves but have a computer do it for them. Are we sure we want to cruise down that highway? Maybe... maybe not. As humans, we think it's cool and fascinating. New shit every year.

We have seen the movies that depict the day when the computers take over. Terminator is a good one. I, Robot is another. The day a computer will take away your right to choose for the betterment and survival of the species. Hmmm.

Well, for now I will accept it the way it is. Ya know why???? It's all about the internet free porn. That's why the internet was invented... The Porn.
