age= The Noisy Cakehole <$BlogRSDUrl$>
The Noisy Cakehole
Open Your Mouth, People


Sunday, April 23
Yesterday we were having a discussion concerning the immigration policy and American's view toward illegal immigration. I mentioned that a columnist had written that The United States should invade Mexico an chop it up into states blah blah blah... One of my co-workers said that the united States doesn't invade and conquer anymore. I disagreed with her saying that invasion and assimilation is America's specialty and continues on today just as it has over the course of this countries history.

America doesn't charge in killing people indiscriminately like in the 1800's. But pushing the American way of life on people not prepared for it is no different. I didn't realize or think about it until long after the Iraq war was raging. America takes the fight to the enemy now which is good for the American public, no American civilian casualties.

I disagreed with the columnist about the invasion and snatching of that country. The only thing valuable in Mexico might be the petrolium stock but the rest is useless. And do we want the citizens of Mexico wandering north through our streets... I don't think so.

I'm anti- immigration if you can't tell. I believe you have to give the people who are naturalized citzens here the chance to get jobs and offer them low interest loans before any immigrant. We have a large contingency of homeless and less fortunate here already, do we want more. Low social sectors lead to an increase in crime. Not just petty crime but major crimes.

Take care of the American citizen before you take care of any immigrants.
