age= The Noisy Cakehole <$BlogRSDUrl$>
The Noisy Cakehole
Open Your Mouth, People

Hey... Mind Your Own Business......

Sunday, April 9
Look at the shape the United States has been in lately. The people can't come together and come to terms with the current leader, corruption at the highest levels, and nobody trusts what the government is doing. Do we want the government making decisions for us regarding our children?

All the time, we see studies show that our kids are fat assed slobs. But those studies are presented to us from the Dept. of Agriculture, another government entity. They say we can't trust the decision of a parent to provide adequate guidance to our children when it concerns what they eat when they aren't at home.

When did we make it okay to have somebody we don't even know to make important decisions for us and our children. Yet we still buy into the notion that the government and it's law makers are smart enough to actually make those decisions.

The govenment is saying that we can't feed our children right and that they are becoming fat assed and lazy. I think the govenment needs to stick to what they do good at, fucking up other people's lives in other countries.
