age= The Noisy Cakehole <$BlogRSDUrl$>
The Noisy Cakehole
Open Your Mouth, People


Saturday, April 29
Last week a British music producer recorded a Mexican version to the American National Anthem to honor the Mexican immigrants here in the US. I say.... Let's hang this producer from the highest tree in America.

When you decide to come to this country and become a citizen, you give up your former countries support in anything. You should not be able to publicly display the countries flag along side on my flag. You chose to leave because that country didn't supply the nessesary means to support you. I am not saying that you can't be proud of your racial heritage but don't change the American way of life to suit your former way of life.

English is the language of this country. Learn to speak it fluently or get out. Your flag is the United States flag... no other.
