age= The Noisy Cakehole <$BlogRSDUrl$>
The Noisy Cakehole
Open Your Mouth, People


Saturday, March 11
Since I started doing this, I figured it would be a great way to say what was on my mind and I could say this shit I wanted about anything. I chose not to say anything about work or the people I work with. Former co-workers are fair game though.

Lately, subject matter is hard to come up with because most of the shit that happens to me happens at work. I talked about my recent alcoholic binger, South Dakota politics and my feeling on cute brat contests.

After awhile, reading the comments left by people, I started to try and come up with subjects that may get comments. That was something, in the beginning that wasn't important... it still isn't but to hear what people have to say about what you write is more interesting than anything. I have a tracking device attached to this blog. I can click on it to see who's visited. I appreciate them stopping by to read what crazy shit the fat kid from South Dakota is saying.

I'm informed about local politics. The trouble with writing about things happening in my states government, most people outside of this state could give a shit about it. Take the recent abortion ban. If, and that's a big if, South Dakota started a small snowball rolling and other states think that they may have a shot at this... it will effect alot of people...especially women. But the problem with people in my state... they will vote for the same people who write legislations that these people hate. Voters in my state are the dumbest people on the planet.

I am a music lover... for those of you who didn't know that. I am a musician of sorts. Have played in several garage bands in my youth and still play the guitar when it suits me. I could talk about music here... But after awhile that too would wear thin and I would stop.

I take the US constitution for what's it's worth. Which to me... The Bill of Rights is the reason we live in this country. I support the porn industries right to do what they do. Because.. if they are told they can't express that right to do what they do well then others will trounce on a right that everybody thinks is right. The Religious Extreme Christian Right is a dangerous entity in this country. These people are brainwashed into thinking that Jesus is the answer to our here and now (ie: non spiritual woes). They believe that if you don't follow the ways of the Bible you'll be spurned into living a life in eternal hell AFTER you die. Wouldn't you think that if the All Mighty would have a thing to say about how you are living your life, he would fuck with your credit rating or get you fired from your well paying job?

I love to talk about religion and how stupid the people who think they know it.. truly don't. In our local media rag, The Journal, they are alway writing to the opinion page giving us thier personal interpretation on the verses of the Bible that they think fit thier argument. As I have said before... Spirituality is good, Religious is bad.

In closing here... People stop by this site and lurk. That's alright... But if you have a qualm about the shit... and I know it's shit, say something about it. You might change my opinion about something or enlighten me to something. I'll talk to you later...
