age= The Noisy Cakehole <$BlogRSDUrl$>
The Noisy Cakehole
Open Your Mouth, People

We Always Say It....

Monday, March 6
Remember the last time you went out and got shitfaced. I mean piss drunk. I did last Saturday night. I drank bottled beer for awhile then, being the dumbass I am, began drinking from the keg of Heinekan. Now anybody who drinks knows, you don't drink keg beer... well I don't drink tap or keg beer. Keg beer = massive, major hangover. I won't puke the night I was drinking that comes later the next day.

I had a small headache on Sunday... I woke at about 12:30 and laid around in bed all day. The reason for this wasn't because I was hanging hard. I twisted my ankle while walking from my car to my house door. It still smarts to walk on it but I figure I have to work tomorrow and I do a lot of walking at work, the more walking the better.

Anyways... I say it every fucking morning after a rip roaring drunk. "That is the last time I'm drinking" I didn't follow any personal instruction before going to bed Sunday morning. I usually down 2 Exedrins and drink two big glasses of water, if I don't eat which I didn't. The last time I went out we went to Denny's, after the bar, and I ate pancakes. I woke up the next day feeling pretty good. Not this last Sunday, Like I said, tiny headache big upset stomach. I puked at about 4:30.

I feel no effects to last Saturday now except for my ineptness to walk without injuring myself. This happens when no alcohol is involved also. I have always been clumsey as hell. Well Saturday night will not be my last night of drinking but.. I will remember to follow my little pre-bedtime while drunk directions much better next time.
