age= The Noisy Cakehole <$BlogRSDUrl$>
The Noisy Cakehole
Open Your Mouth, People

More Political Banter...

Wednesday, March 8
Trying to think of something to write today I started thinking about the nuclear problems the sane world is having with the not so sane world. The world, or most who have access to the media, knows who has nuclear weapons. The big ones, of course are the United States, Russia, Isreal, France, China etc, etc... . Now North Korea and Iran are in the process of enriching it's own nuclear material for high yield weapons.

The media, in it's ever so wisdom, plays the, scare the shit out of the public, game by reporting on it. They make it sound as if these countries are going to blow up the United States and Isreal. I don't think so. These second world nations peobably have the capability to made weapons grade plutonium, but lack the vehicle to send that weapon very far. With the exception of Isreal, the United States shouldn't really wory about it.

The situation that I begin thinking about is, say Iran does detonate a atomic weapon in Isreal, you know damn well that Iran will be the largest radioactive litterbox on this planet. Isreal doesn't fuck around when it is attacked. Okay... say this scenario happens and Isreal detonates 10 short range nuclear missiles on Iran, because they have every right to do so. Where does that leave the United States in that mess.

After the Cold War, the United States said that missiles in the few silos we have were not programmed to launch toward the former Soviet State. Which I say "Yeah Right". Are these missile programmed to launch against North Korea, Iran and those countries? Let's hope so.

I believe that these countries don't have enough material to match the arsenal of the United States and Isreal. So why would these rogue nation believe that a nuclear conflict be the salvation to thier woes?

This is the kind of shit that goes through my mind sometimes....
